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JUNE 2002 BlueBook Entries

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 23:51:33
Posted by: W1P,

Why limit it to SD cover bands? Let's boo 'em all off the stage somewhere.

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 23:20:13
Posted by: Boops,

Here's my Steely Dan Cover band fantasy.

My Steely Dan Cover Band fantasy is that we get all of the Steely Dan Cover Bands together at the Apollo. And then one by one, we boo them off the stage. You know why? 'cos they're not Dondi and Walti.


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 23:04:49
Posted by: hoops,

W1P, Jeb, Jjjjjjj, Jw, Mister Sam and Mrs Sam likes it too and...

Ooops what I meant was let's dedicate ourselves to discussing George Bush and Chaka Khan (or is it Donna Summer? I get them mixed up) and their UNDER COVER RELATIONSHIP! That's it. That's what I meant. Oh yeah, Steely Dan is in there. Way up there. Yeah, that's what I mean. I gotta new Boots Randolph record today. How about that Skunk....plays for Chaka—Donna's "Hot Stuff" and then does defense consultations with GeoW. Whoaaaaa. Chakaa-Donna…Chaka-Donna…Chaka-Donna. I feel for you.

The above would be my point–assuming you don't take it too literally.


P.S. Ever hear Steve Allen's reading of "Hot Stuff."

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 21:41:55
Posted by: Mister Sam, In a Time Warp

Can't we all just get along?

Everybody's free to post & wear sunscreen! [All this back & forth about religion reminds me of The Big Kahuna (starring Kevin Spacey and Danny DeVito.)]

Hoops: Your point is well-taken. I'll do my best to punch up any future social/political/economic commentary with a little entertainment value. Also, don't let me be misunderstood. I don't begrudge the musicians amongst us from plugging their gigs on the Blue Book. I just think that, given the dearth of news flow from SD Central these days, it's ALSO OK to engage in a little discussion of what some see as taboo topics (like religion & politics) every once in a while. That is decidely in the Beat tradition that W+D expressed an affinity for. As you said, lets individually be free to "take what you like and ignore the rest. Not everything appeals to everyone."

RE: 8-Tracks. I started my music collection with albums, but I can still remember the first six 8-tracks that I owned. They were: Born to Run (Springsteen), I Robot (Alan Parsons), Aja (Steely Dan), The Stranger (Billy Joel), JT (James Taylor), and (gasp, a guilty pleasure) that Heatwave album with "Boogie Nights" and "Always & Forever". Of those six, Aja was the only one that I routinely let repeat a few times before finally changing the tape.

On the downside, every 8-T player that I ever owned had that insufferable neighboring track bleed-over that was clearly audible between songs and track changes. 8-tracks also seemed more susceptible to stretching and breakage than cassettes. [Forget about trying to repair a damaged one!] Finally, don't get me started on those annoying, cheesy fade-ins and fade-outs that the corporate shills inserted on songs that bridged two tracks just to save a few pennies worth of tape! [If I recall correctly W1P, the Animals 8-T pulled that stunt twice -- on "Pigs, 3 Different Ones" AND on "Dogs"! How criminal. :-( ]

Mister Sam

To paraphrase George Carlin, "Sorry, but I just can't trust a government run by men with names like George BUSH, DICK Cheney, and COLON (sic) Powell!"

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 21:39:32
Posted by: Bernard Purdie,

No, I invented Steely Dan!

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 21:38:07
Posted by: Al Gore - I invented Steely Dan, with a beard you will be what you are just the same

Jeb: Hey, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was my baby!!! Back then my buddy the senile Lawton Chiles was guv'nor of Florida...Monica Lewinski was just a fat chick with a beret...the Dan was on Letterman...Bob Dole sure was grumpy before Viagra and SNL...and I didn't have to pretend I had a personality, or hated tobacco, understood the ending of Love Story...those were the days...

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 21:01:10
Posted by: JJJJJJJ,

Yes, Joe Walsh humours me. But to actually buy an album, 8track, CD DVDaudio of his - I think not!

But if he called himself Joeeeee …

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:51:16
Posted by: Jeb "Am I a Texan Too?" bush,

Wow I just saw a cool new movie that Denny Dias might like.

The Sexercist.

An Exercism is performed to get a priest out af a young boy's body.

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:40:41
Posted by: jebist,

Clear Channel to the Who:

Dear Who, we own every radio station in the world, every venue, and we book everything. Do the tour or you are finished and we'll kill your kids too. R's say deregulation creates competition. Right.

Give me a half hour alone with janet reno,


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:35:01
Posted by: Jebby,

I wish you prayjobs would keep on topic.

Like: Hey, the Stones are releasing their whole catalogue on reCD! Keeping me up at night … waiting.

Gad … the stones. It, like, comes down to one song. They really have one song. Pick your fave. Thats it.

They are Don McLean without "Vincent."

And they keep going. Pout boy at 73 years old is just tooo creepy on stage - gyrating and having sympathy for earl's devil.

Barb's kid

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:31:44
Posted by: W1P,

Hoops, I was attempting to provide a funny and witty response to your statement: "Shit, if the posts about cover bands were more funny and witty, those would get a lot more attention." Which proves I am incapable of funny or witty! Actually, I'd like my own radio program called "Under the Covers" where the only tracks I play are cover versions -- I could put together some smokin sets.

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:21:00
Posted by: JEBBBY,

< They are brainwashed by some of the world's lowest despots.> (I bet they feel like Mark knopfler in the studio with D&W)

Said the brainwashee about a brainwasheee.

My brother is a despot. Its coool being the bro of a despot.

So, its buffet religion for steeeeeveee. Take what yo agrree with and scuttle the rest. Maybe you should form a breakoff religion. All hail steeeeeeveeeee and his cool car. All his rca plugs are gold coated!!!!

Wanted: Virgins for the holy order of Steeeeeveeedom.


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:04:57
Posted by: hoops,, no, no, I hope people like yourself, Dennis, Bob, etc., keep it up, but I also understand it's not everyone's bag. I know not everyone's gonna read it.

Tell you what, all this worrying about what you should and should and shouldn't post, just go ahead and post. Relax. The past week here, despite some flames has been kinda fun.


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 20:00:54
Posted by: hoops,

All this talk of old cars and 8-tracks got me thinking back. My brother's Le Mans wasn't all too different from Sean's Tempest. But throw in there some Joe Walsh tapes. As a result, right now listening to "...but seriously folks..." lightweight, funny stuff and great playing. Got some othe ABC stuff too.

NPR had this feature a few weeks ago about how 8-tracks were originally conceived with the idea they would be for audiophilles. They were made only with the finest materials. THEN when they caught on in cars, the quality went out the window. Or so claims the president of some 8-track preservation society they interviewed.

So when I dialled in, the headline on my browser's web page read, Bush Admin: "Arafat not be voted back in." Well, I guess they already practiced in Florida.

So after all the years of hearing the aforementioned Joe Walsh album on 8-track and Lp, I am listening to the tail end of it and, right after "...but seriously folks..." there is this thing added on like at the end of the "Sgt Pepper" album, "Uh Oh An attach of Wah whahhs..." Anyone know if this was on the original or is this an add-in with the CD remastering?


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 19:51:24
Posted by: W1P,

Hoops, are you suggesting that we get under the covers?

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 19:11:30
Posted by: hoops,

Sam: I get where you are coming from. Don't get the idea that you have to be witty at all and straight talk is fine. But I will say this. If you say something clever or funny , it's a helluvalot more entertaining and funny, if not persuasive. Holds my interest a helluva lot more. Shit, if the posts about cover bands were more funny and witty, those would get a lot more attention. Tangentially, in that spirit, despite that it wasn't always good, I'm gonna miss "Politically Incorrect." And as Bill Maher has noted, it's more conservatives than any one else who's are gonna miss it most. At any rate, you name a lot of songs that indeed have a political leaning subversiveness and damn, they're funny. That's what the needling is best. That's all I'm saying.

And, I largely agree, I empathize with what you are saying about not wanting to read or hear about every local fan gathering. [That's why we have the Danfest lists at least–or we'd have ten times the volume. I hear you because until 6 months ago, the nearest SD cover band was 900 miles away from me. On the other hand, it helps other fan gatherings in other areas develop some momentum. Yet, you know, when I sent out the last Digest, all I could think was, I wish there was more current info about Becker and Fagen. At least tho, I'm glad that we have the local Danfest lists or we'd have 10 times the amount of volume on local fan get-togethers.
In general, though, with any forum such as this, take what you like and ignore the rest. Not everything appeals to everyone, self-included.

That said, the discussions by Sam, Jeb, Huh, etc has generated a lot of favorable comments emailed to me–and a few negatives. But again, largely favorable.

Peg, not sure myself what that means.


Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 18:39:39
Posted by: Peg, home at last

Pair-done-a-mwha, but would someone please tell me what an eminence grise is? (Oleander?) Is it French, or latin, or Albanian?

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 18:06:13
Posted by: Mister Sam, A Stone's Throw from DC

Huh? : What connection is there between Steely Dan and politics? Get a clue my friend. The Dan's lyrics are very cerebral, and often overtly political. W+D are very well read and strongly opinionated. In case you hadn't noticed, their lyrics drip with satire, cynicism and sarcasm about our social, political, and economic institutions. [Of course, most of the really cynical political stuff seems to surface during Republican administrations. ;-) ]

If you disagree, may I suggest that you actually read the lyrics to these songs?: Kings, Only a Fool Would Say That, Fire in the Hole, Change of the Guard, Night by Night, Barrytown, Black Friday, Throw Back the Little Ones, The Royal Scam, IGY, The Goodbye Look, Fall of 92, Junkie Girl, Jack of Speed. [I realize that some of these songs are less political than others. Still, each contains at least one line (and, more generally, an entire verse) offering some stark commentary/satire about social, political, &/or economic themes.] I also recall that Mr. Becker's first utterance at the 1993 Merriweather concert (Baltimore-DC area) was something to the effect of, "Thank God Bush and those Nazis are finally gone!" Can't get much more direct than that, huh? [Is it possible that Steely Dan doesn't care for "right wing hooey" either?]

Hoops: Sorry if I pooped on the lovefest proceedings here, but when, may I ask, did witty or funny become a prerequisite for posting to this board-um? I'd have thought that some of our brothers & sisters around here (especially, those with roughly equal proportions of left & right-brain gray matter) might have been grateful for a chance to talk about something more substantive than the gigs of tribute bands who perform light years away from their own little corners of the globe. [Don't get me wrong, I love tribute bands like the Steely Damned. It's just hard to get too excited about news of a barroom gig that's 3000 miles from my doorstep.]

Earl: Obviously, you don't know shit about baseball OR economics. First, Buckner DID lose the World Series for the Red Sox. (Remember the old addage about never giving an opponent 4 outs in an inning?) Mind you, I was rooting for the Mets myself (born in Queens you know), so I was overjoyed by the outcome. Still, even I must acknowledge that the WS crown was a gift that year.

Second, Bush responsible for the current economic slump? Can you say Studebaker Hawk, Jr.? First rule of being president Earl: You must lead. You are reponsible for maintaining public confidence, morale and a sense of accountability. Never, I repeat never, adopt the persona of Chicken Little. Truth is, Bush & Cheney started side-stepping responsibility before they were even sworn in with a lot of "sky is falling" hooey (eg, "We're headed for a recession, but don't blame us. OK?") True, all the major market indeces started to nose-dive in the summer of 2000 when Clinton was still in office. Financial markets, however, are forward-looking, and the onset of the bear market coincided with the first wave of opinion polls that put Bush firmly in the lead. Interpretation: the markets reacted with a vote of N0 CONFIDENCE in Bush. [That said, Earl, we were probably due for a recession anyway because, sadly, the business cycle still exists. Bush, however, wanted HIS RECESSION early in the term, not later. Thus, he did his best to hasten the onset of a downturn with a lot of negative talk. Their behavior was cynical, and bordered on gross negligence. The Board of Directors for any (respectable) corporation would sack a CEO who spoke like that in a heartbeat.]

BTW, for those of you keeping score at home, here's the post-World War II recession count to date: Republican presidents 8, Democratic presidents 2. [Truman 1, Eisenhower 3, JFK 0, LBJ 0, Nixon 1, Ford 1, Carter 1, Reagan 1, Bush 1, Clinton 0, GW Bush 1 & counting. (Anyone care for a double dip?) No Republican president has escaped the monkey of recession; 3 out of 5 Democratic presidents have. Enough said? Source: The National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, MA)]

Riddler: What do Bush and his colon have in common? Aside from the obvious (ie, They're both full of shit), how about: Each is a cancer risk on the presidency.

Now, my turn - What are the DIFFERENCES between Bush and your colon?
Answer - There are 4:
1. Your colon lets you know when it's full of shit. [Bush just hopes you won't notice.]
2. One's an ass. The other's just a body part.
3. Your colon would never smirk after it took a big dump on someone.
4. Your colon knows its shit. Bush doesn't.

Mr. Sam
MS- Economics
Purdue University, 1990

PS - Hoops: What's the latest on the Labor Day soiree in Chicago? I just signed up for the Chicago DanFest Mail List, but can't view the archives.

Also, sad to hear about John Entwistle's demise. He was one of the rare musicians who elevated the bass to the status of lead instrument. [Others of note that come to mind were Chris Squire (Yes), Jaco Pastorius (Weather Report), and Bootsy Collins (Parliament/P-Funk All-Stars).] Among Entwistle's writing credits: Boris the Spider, My Wife, and Trick of the Light.

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 13:52:01
Posted by: W1P, LA

Sean, among the 8 Tracks I had during that same time frame was Animals by Pink Floyd. Because of the way the tracks set up, Dogs got cut in half and placed over two tracks. Floyd also added a guitar solo bridge on the 8 Track (featuring Snowy White) that did not appear on the Vinyl (but is available as a "ROIO" today in the quite active Floyd "trading" community). Another "SciFi" Lp I had in addition to 2112 was Big Town 2061 by Bob Welch -- try finding that one in print!

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 11:11:03
Posted by: Sean, Quincy, MA. (pronouned Quinzee-MAH)

Stevee, my pal, this place has been great lately, a lot looser lately and way much more funny. I hope it keeps up.

Observation: Through the years that I have been posting to the various forums, I've come to realize that many of the flames directed at you are because you cry that you are a victim. "Oh that Stevee guy put his armour on? Well, since he does, he must want us to throw rocks." While it's not my scene, I believe people like to pick on you since you react. It's easy to "get your goat." You play the part of the easy target and have such thin skin. You play into their hands, you give them the reaction they want. If you want it to stop, start with you. 'nuff said.

Rush? Circa 1976/1977 I had 2012 and Styx's Grand Illusion, Hotel California, Fleetwoord Mac's Rumours, Billy Joel's Stranger and of course Aja and Pretzel Logic in my car (a white '71 Pontiac Tempest, bondoed to hell and painted slick). They were on 8-track. Remember when Steely Dan 8-tracks were blue and put out by GRT? And then they would fuck around with the track order? I found an 8-track in the back of a closet about a month ago. Black oozed out of it. Ewwwwww. Well, I would play these 8-tracks again and again. While the others had their place, the Steely Dan CDs are the only ones I have grown with.

G'day, everyone, including Stevee.

Date: Sun, June 30, 2002, 07:35:35
Posted by: Steveedan, Anywhere you're not

Just what in the heck is going on with both guestbooks?

JB wrote: "Hey Steeeeeve, you are wrong again. the terrorists have tooo much GOD. They and we are fighting someone elses ridiculous family feud from eons ago. They get 72 virgins, i get to have a pork chop - you lose. Except, i'm Sure, you have a really cool car."

Don't correct me, Dude. There is absolutely no God in anything the terrorists do. They are brainwashed by some of the world's lowest despots. As far as the pork chop and really cool car remark ... it was not funny or entertaining, just annoying. I don't keep Kosher. But lately I feel that I have to wear armour to be around these guestbooks. I'm glad to see that we're getting back on topic again.

Dennis - I hope that the Katy Lied band knocked 'em out last night.

Meanwhile, ... back to housecleaning ...

Huh? Wrote: "Stevee, Earl, Mr. Sam, Jeb

Now explain the connection if I am missing it , but what the fuck does all this politicking have to do even remotely with Steely Dan? ... You come here and piss all over the place. That's why Hoopsie started this page as an alternate. ... I mean I could see if this thread was wickedly funny. But it's not. So at least get to the punch line, amgios, 'cos this really long Bush joke so far ain't funny, ain't clever and it's getting damn boring, if not downright pissy."

And then another painful read from Huh? Trying to be funny … not ! Try eating your toenails .. along with your words.

As I said earlier, I'd much rather be "talkin' 'bout my home, the only home I've ever known ..."


Date: Sat, June 29, 2002, 19:34:38
Posted by: The Riddler, A Hideout Somewhere In Gotham City

Riddle me this Batman: What do Bush and his colon have in common?

Answer: [fill in your own feces reference here]

Date: Sat, June 29, 2002, 19:10:06
Posted by: DrMµ, people forget, forget they're hiding...

OlŽ: Thanks, that's what I thought...not that I'd be in uhhh...position to know...

...and Dubya's CWI (colonoscopy while intoxicated) does coincide with the twins Laura and Barbara hitting the DC bar scene...hmmm...this could be the cool part of the summer...

makes one wonder if Alexander "i'm in charge here" Haig is lurking...

Date: Sat, June 29, 2002, 18:08:35
Posted by: oleander, hmmm

Mu--odd.... Colonoscopy doesn't require general anaesthesia--just sedation.... Think it's a plot by Cheney et al. to knock him off with general anaesthesia-related complications?... Sean's right, though. Cheney's the eminence grise....

Date: Sat, June 29, 2002, 17:49:33
Posted by: Sean,


Just saw that The Who have Pino Palladino on board to fill in for Entwistle. Amazing to think how much has changed for all of them in such a short time. Doesn't Pino play fretless?

What happens when Bush transfers power to Cheney? Does Bush extend his arms and fingertips to Cheney's extended arms and fingertips and transfer an electrical current or something? Ooops I forgot. Bush turned over all power to Cheney even before he snagged the prezidency.

Also, I've reserved this email account just for posting here. So far I have received no spam whatsover. Whatever you are doing Hoops Baby, it must work.

Has Walter played bass on any of the 90s or the 2K tours?


Date: Sat, June 29, 2002, 12:00:40
Posted by: Brett,

Once again, musician/fans of Steely Dan have joined together to produce a CD of great music. This year's compilation, "Steely Knives", contains over 70 minutes of music. 13 original tunes and 2 Steely Dan covers. Hear what twisted minds just like yours do with their free time. Quantities are extremely limited so order today. Just go to

Below is the cover of the CD; the link above contains further information.

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 20:25:56
Posted by: W1P, Los Angeles

Neal Peart blows away "the Hitmaker"

I got to see something extraordinary last night at Stanley Recordings involving the recording of a Pink Floyd cover for my upcoming release "A Fair Forgery of Pink Floyd" -- I can't divulge at this point, but I will soon. W1P

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 17:43:54
Posted by: DrMµ, Tejas

This Just a polyp away from the Presidency:

This weekend Dubya will undergo a "routine" colonoscopy requiring general anesthesia [insert your own - who could tell joke here]. Yes, that means Cheney will have powers transfered to him [insert your own - who could tell joke here].

fezo: ...and I thought you were a TJ basher...wait, that's only when Bill C's getting a BJ!!

The Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom is completely consistent with my simple statements of facts, direct quotes, and irony:

Thomas Jefferson is well-known for his vision of secular government guided by the principles he set forth in the Declaration of Independence: " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 17:43:46
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

Putting words to music is all part of the songwriting process and is music to me, I don't seperate the two because the words need rhythm and melody too, that's music. I am aware of the satirical aspect of Dan, I love their lyrics and I wasn't trying to compare SD to Rush. Rush lyrics can be very boring.

They're just two bands from the same era with extremely loyal fanbases. Both have enjoyed a longevity that not a lot of bands from that era have. IMHO



Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 17:29:47
Posted by: hoops,

Huh-wa: Right on about the Entwistle comparisons (and Bush and The Pledge, etc., LOL) . And you're right, Entwistle was at Le Bar Bat, more than once I think. In fact, he was a HUGE Steely Dan fan and and a subscriber to Pete Fogel's "Metal Leg." One of the issues of "Metal Leg" had a photo of Entwistle, with Pete I think, having a great time at Le Bar Bat. Obvisously, Fogel would be able to explain a lot more since he would have been there. My "Metal Leg" collection is 150 miles away at my other home; maybe someone could dig up the issue it was in and fill us in on all that happened.

Rush: There are somethings I liked, but I think they went downhill in the 80s.

Remember: Katy Lied tomorrow (Saturday Night) at Harry's in Arlington Hts, IL and next Wednesday in Naperville.

Hey Mike; I used to be really stoked by XRT but somehow the magic is missing. It doesn't move me as it once did when I was an XRT addict in the 1970s and 80s, although there is still some stuff I like. I also don't think they are Steely Dan fans in the way they should be. I will save that for another time., but I'll say XRT's attitude towards 2vN soured me on them in 2000. Maybe they've changed.


Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 15:20:31
Posted by: More Huh?,

Dennis...yeah Steely Dan is the music but it's words too, it's more that the look, the touch and beyond that oh so so so much. It's satire too.

So Dennis, what's the goods on Entwistle? Did you listen to him? For you Bush debaters: Did he have al Quaeda connections?

What's the deal with the singer's voice on Rush. He sings like he's channelling for a hornet.

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 15:10:01
Posted by: Huh-wha?,

Mu, My Man,

Dry hump? Yo! I hear ya. Butchaknow, most of the comments from Steve, Earl, etc are nuttin' more than recycled dry humps. Where's the pizzazzz, the whit, the drippy, juicey moist taste Steely Dan-types said or iimplied that they'd bring to me? I mean Stevee, Earl and Company sound like recycled sound bites from Sam the Waxman Donaldson, Cokie The Clown Roberston and George Stuphunuphisbuttpoulus. Yeah, I wanna hear Bush's balls busted and and bet D and W would too. But I want to LAUGH, I WANT TO CHORTLE, I WANT TO BUST A GUT when we bust his balls. I'm with ya I want to be laughing at the frozen reign----of Bush. We deserve that here on the blue.

Entwistle dying the night before the tour begins? The lengths some people will go to to inflict passive agression against their bandmates!!! Didn't he appear at Le Bar Bat once?

Entwistle was like Ringo in so far as "Boris The Spider." Novelty tune that overdefined his image. He was much, much more.

He was like George in that he had a quiet prescense but was lead. Townsend is quoted over and over again that they had a lead bassist, not a lead guitarist.

He was like none of the Beatles in that he actually was much more trained that people realized---French horn, all those Orchestral interludes on "Tommy," that beer commerical.....

The Pledge, why I'd wager if Donny and Walty were with us, they'd say something like we should all have freedom of choice:

" nation, under << insert your favorite item, god, body part, merchandise here>>, indivisible with liver tea and justice for all."


" nation, under the luscious lips and breasts of Angelina Jolie, indivisible with liver tea and justice for all."

" nation, under my extensive Steely Dan CD collection, indivisible with liver tea and justice for all."

" nation, under the martial law of the Bush Nazis, indivisible with liver tea and justice for all. Well, maybe not."

" nation, under the Almighty Buck, indivisible with liver tea and justice for all."

Well, you get the idea, I'm talking freedom of choice, people should insert whatevah the fuck they want in there ya know???? IT'S AMERICA, or it was until Bush got in again.

They had a story on the author of the pledge and he originally didn't even have "to the United States of America" or "under God" in his pledge. He meant that it could be recited and taken to heart by anyone from any country, any "republic." It was added later and he was majorly pissed off about it. All you day-glo freaks debating Take Six's new lyrics for IGY should stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

So I say respond, by Mu, Sam, Stick, etc. be interresting if not funny about Bush and the pledge for Chrissakes.

Back to cutting my toenails.


Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 14:57:51
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

Yes can we get back to the music? I work for a guitar amp company and Alex Lifeson of Rush is one of our Endorsers. My boss was at their full dress rehearsal last night in CT, he had a front row seat for his own Rush show, laser lights, video screen and everything! The only other people in the arena were crew, management etc. No press or anyone. So, he called me on his cell phone and I listened to them play YYZ over the phone. Pretty Cool. I know a lot of Rush fans who would die for that opportunity. The first show is tonight. I know there probably aren't too many Rush fans on the Blue, not a HUGE fan myself but do appreciate their work and some of their songs. Like Steely Dan, they are a '70's band with extremely talented musicians still going strong, selling out shows.

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 14:12:33
Posted by: fezo , One office, Monticello view

Bass players are starting to become as endangered as Spinal Tap drummers. Leon Wilkeson and now Entwistle in less than a year. Tom Barney, get to the doctor immediately

Another rock death of note yesterday: Timothy White, editor-in-chief of Billboard and back in his reporting days, one of the few rock journalists who actually wrote with a sense of detachment from the artists he covered and without a sense of self-worship.

Hey Mu, before you befuddle us with another misterpretation of Mr. Jefferson's views on religion, might I suggest a careful read of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom, of which TJ was the primary author and remains over two hundred years later part of my fair state's Constitution.

Ordinarily I would tend to agree with Hoop's comments about the persistent Bush bashing, but in light of the collective dry hump the media has been giving the administration since 9/11, I welcome the rare sight of dissenting views in the ether

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 10:34:44
Posted by: hoops, Urbana


Drink some Tang!

Sure, everything in the world is at least vaguely related to Becker and Fagen but, sheeesh, where is this Bush-whack leading? As huh? says, this better be funny—that's enough of an SD connection for me; as long as it's witty, hilarious and/or about music, that's Steely Dan. The Bushes, unto themselves are neither. ("Gosh, hoops, you must REALLY HATE America!") Hey, I'll even allow the margin that I am missing the humor.

John Entwistle: The Ringo, George, or neither of The Who?

Coincidently, Last night I read a funny remark from Roger Daltrey on the various forms "Tommy" has taken over the years: "Pete won't be happy until 'Tommy' is produced as an show on ice."

Was listening to Steely Dan compilations yesteday, and while I agree they are superflouous like a fifth nipple on Simese Twin Supermodels conjoined at the chest, I have to say "Greatest Hits" aka "1972-1978 is my favorite, with a chaser of "Gold." I guess for sentimental reasons.

Fly low, be cool.


Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 10:12:03
Posted by: Huh?,

Stevee, Earl, Mr. Sam, Jeb

Now explain the connection if I am missing it , but what the fuck does all this politicking have to do even remotely with Steely Dan? Yeah, Fall of 92, and that's about it as far as I can tell. We already have the piss pages for this crap. We don't need two books dedicated to this bullshit. You come here and piss all over the place. That's why Hoopsie started this page as an alternate.

Maybe this talk is connected to SD like Simese twin supermodels who share a huge bossom, but would you care to explaaaaaaainnnnn......what is this Bush-talk Amigo? I mean I could see if this thread was wickedly funny. But it's not. So at least get to the punch line, amgios, 'cos this really long Bush joke so far ain't funny, ain't clever and it's getting damn boring, if not downright pissy. You could praise or bitch about Bush and this cconversation will go nowwhere

Can't believe about John Entwistle. I guess the next Who Reunion show is in the sky.


Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 09:56:28
Posted by: JB,

Hey Steeeeeve, you are wrong again. the terrorists have tooo much GOD. They and we are fighting someone elses ridiculous family feud from eons ago. They get 72 virgins, i get to have a pork chop - you lose. Except, i'm Sure, you have a really cool car.

I love how conservatives with no leg to stand on always revert to the old sex scandal. clinton got a blow job. the R's spent $100 million dollars of our money to find that out. The junta in power now is dismatling our freedoms while leading us down a path to a major jihad in a world where you can't breath the air or drink the water. Yep, you are right, that Bill was horrible. Funny you never mention the R sex scandals.

You know earl, I think that you are jealous. Maybe you could pay for a blow job like all the Republican congress losers. And Swaggert, Baker, et al.

This right wing hooy sure stinks up the joint. (tangentially SD related)

Wait a minute i'm signing off. I got to go listen to RUSH so that I will find out what i think about everything.

You know what Rushes job was previous to been the usas most revered liar. Piss bucket boy for the Kansas City Royals. Thats right he stood in the walkway between the dugout and the locker room with a bucket so that players could take a leek during the games.

- A true patriot - jebby

Date: Fri, June 28, 2002, 04:49:04
Posted by: Steveedan, Somebody Else's Soapbox

Does anyone have a figure or estimate of the percentage of athiests to the "God-Believing" citizens of our country?

I heard something like 5% of the country. Fairly small. Sounds like the "God-less Mouse that could" got his day in court, and tied up the whole country in this BS. I think it would be better to concentrate on another "God-less" segment of society ... the terrorists.

Mu - Jews typically refer to "God" as Adonai, among other names. The Pledge Of Alegiance could (as someone said here earlier) have a choice at the point of "under God" it could be under Adonai, Allah, your higher power, the force, or even Bodhisattva for those of us in current need of a Dan reference right now ...

God rest John Entwhistle. ... or Bodhisattva, or ...


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 22:51:46
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

Mr. Sam,

1) As you probably already realize, economics rarely reflect the current agenda. Blaming Bush for this economy is like blaming Bill Buckner for losing the World Series for the Red Sox back in the mid 80's, when Bob Stanley blew it long before Buckner misplayed that ground ball.

2) Oh well, I suppose Bush is an illegitimate president. I guess it's better to be an illegitimate president than a legitimate, bearded, overweight professor. Maybe Gore should have had his brother run for Gov'ner in Fla, right Jeb?

It's not that you bore me, I'd love to jab back and forth about politics. But we will never convince each other of our own beliefs. I think you hit a big point that was pretty obvious to me yesterday when all this happened. The Dem's reaction to this ruling is very much damage control. It's a gift for us Republicans, because it really is going to put the Democrats in a bad light w/ middle America (mainly for holding up Bush's nominees). I'm sure none of this has to do with the fact that a big Democrat constituency, African-Americans, happen to be a strongly religious bunch.

Thank God for politics.


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 21:49:10
Posted by: HeyMike, chgo

Another effort to change the subject. I was shaving the other morning and on WXRT in Chicago (one of the country's best radio stations by the way) they were discussing the recent Barry Bonds/Jeff Kent scuffle in the dugout and immediately played Barrytown! pretty amusing and a treat coming from the radio!

ps The blue state reference was very funny!!

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 18:55:45
Posted by: Mr. Sam, One of the Blue States

LWO- Me read a 29 page court decision (especially one that's definitely NOT the last word on the subject)? I'd sooner wear a burlap bathing suit in 100 degree weather!

HeyMike- If I'm a liberal, then I imagine that would make you Joseph McCarthy. I'm not a liberal, however, so perhaps you're OK, too.

Mu- Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't ALL federal judges and ALL state Supreme Court judges political appointees? So much for accountability there. That is why I welcome Senate scrutiny during the confirmation of appointees to the federal bench. Presidents know that appointees from the political fringes will never get confirmed (at least since Bork), so they tend to opt for safer, middle-of-the-road judges. This is a good thing IMHO, since these judges are less prone to pursue a personal agenda. The only week link in this dynamic, however, is when the parties try to sneak ideologues under the radar scope by appointing sleepers with little or no paper trail to scrutinize.

Q: When is a reach a reach?
A: When YOU disagree with that particular ruling. ;-)

RE: An overly litigious society? Surely you jest Mu. (just kidding) Yes, bureaucracy sucks in all its glorious manifestations, both public and private. It's truly a sad commentary on society that the phrase "cover your ass" carries at least as much weight in the halls of government, private industry, and academia these days as time-tested phrases like "use your judgment/common sense" or "what is the most sensible/efficient way to deal with this situation?"

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 18:19:01
Posted by: Little Wild One, 2@Texas

Sam: The dissenting CA judge shares your opinion. I'll email you the opinion if you would like to read all 29 pages.

Mu: You are completely correct...and the latest is that the Pledge opinion is stayed until a full panel can review it.

Personally, I have long wondered how the atheists in this country have stood for stuff like this as presented in various national anthems, currency and the like. As for my children, I am not so sure that I give a rat's ass about them repeating the phrase "under God," as long as they respect the blood, sweat and tears that goes into having the right to speak out and/or petition the courts regarding inane (or insane) perceived injustices, as the Plaintiff in this case has done.

However, having said that....this stuff keeps me gainfully employed, so I will defend anyone's right to have his day in court. Even if he is wrong.

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 18:13:08
Posted by: heymike, chgo

I'd love to get in the middle of this, However...I will only say that Sam....You started it!! (now we know why there are no liberal talk shows!)

On a musical note if anyone is near Milwaukee, Summerfest ( started today. A great line up through next weekend. most at the cost of admission. On Milwaukees lake front a awesome setting and great value. worth the trip in!

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 18:08:29
Posted by: DrMµ, Tejas

Mr. Sam: Don't forget CFOs and CEOs!!! I guess I get concerned about the accountability (or lack thereof) of judges and their decisions - when is a reach a reach? Having said that the people (elected judges) or the President holds the axe and there is always the appeal. Federal judges technically *can* be impeached as well, though it's rare, for either criminal or political crimes...

The people have to share some blame for the increased litigiousness (sp?)...The fires and the destruction of homes, as well as pollution, of the fires out West certainly could have been reduced if the Federal Park Officers and the Smokey the Bear gang had been allowed to remove the underbrush and build roads instead of being mired in court...

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 17:51:41
Posted by: Mr. Sam, The Middle of the Road

Dr Mu: I agree with everything you said. Truth be known, I think the judge's ruling in this case was wrong. Hopefully, a higher court will reverse the decision. A little non-denominational, God reference in the POA, Declaration of Independence, or on our currency is harmless IMHO.

The key point here, however, is that Marbury v. Madison (1803?) firmly establishes the concept of judicial review. The courts have the power to interpret the constitutionality of our laws, the Congress does not. If Congress wants to override a court decision, they can seek to amend the Constitution. That failing, however, it is beyond the scope of their constitutionally delegated powers and responsibilities to legislate away a judge's ruling on what is, first and foremost, a constitutional issue.

Mister Sam

PS - Mu, you mean judges are subject to the same political biases and motivations as other politicians? I'm shocked and apalled! ;-)

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 17:27:30
Posted by: jason, aufweidersein, uzbekistan!!

Due to the nasty eye thing i talked about earlier, i've only scanned a few postings. On politics, though, it's sort of missing the point to expend time and energy talking about the "issues" presented to us on the news. They're usually not the important ones. One problem lies in the concept of "news"--- "news" consists of new, specific events which happened that day. Someone shoots someone, a bus goes over a cliff, a nuclear test happens, two movie stars decide to go out with each other. Isolated events happening on the day you're watching the newscast do not necessarily tell you anything about the world. Trends, political, economic, artistic, etc., often in places we never hear about, are much more central to what's really going on in the world. Therefore, "news" should not, by definition, be people's prime source of information. Secondary, at best. Some other kind of reporting, in some other kind of medium or format, needs to be invented. It won't be, though. Isn't Ducks Unlimited a hunter's organization? Left-wing?? And why would a left-leaning group's news be more reliable? Because it's a left-leaning organization.... everyone's biased, though. JEBBUSH--- my ass has automatic transmission.

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 17:23:42
Posted by: DrMµ, Tejas

This may be pointless, but IÕd like to address the pledge issue with a few facts and historical perspective:

Our Founding Fathers understood human nature and the right for freedom. The Bill of Rghts of course addresses individual rights which cannot be taken away by the Federal government:

Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Note that the first ammendment makes no mention of Ôseparation of church and state."
There were 2 key issues at the time: many of the original settlers of the Colonies ran from religious persecution (no, not reciting the pledge or allegiance, but torture and death, etc). Some of this persisted even in the Colonies (where the abused become the abusers) as in the Salem witch trials. The other was of Church leaders (as in Cardinals) holding prominent positions in national government. One of the major concerns of Madison who framed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was an establishment of a national religion.

The statement about a wall of separation between church and state was made in a letter on January 1, 1802, by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut. The congregation heard a widespread rumor that the Congregationalists, another denomination, were to become the national religion. This was very alarming to people who knew about religious persecution in England by the state established church. Jefferson made it clear in his letter to the Danbury Congregation that the separation was to be that government would not establish a national religion or dictate to men how to worship God. Jefferson's letter from which the phrase "separation of church and state" was taken affirmed first amendment rights. Jefferson wrote:

"I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. "

The reason Jefferson choose the expression "separation of church and state" was because he was addressing a Baptist congregation; a denomination of which he was not a member. Jefferson wanted to remove all fears that the state would make dictates to the church. He was establishing common ground with the Baptists by borrowing those words from Roger Williams, one of the Baptist's own prominent preachers at the time

It is ironic though that the BaptistsÕ hysteria spurred the coining of this phraseÉ

As far as "under God" in the Pledge is concerned, the first Ammendment and logic dictate that this phrase does not represent a law interfereing with an "ESTABLISHMENT of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" God is a general term for a deity that could refer to Yaweh or Allah. The term by definition is general. We know the term Yaweh from ancient Hebrew scrolls, but the name was not pronounced by JewsÉto get back to the point though, the child or anyone could refuse to utter "under God" or ask to be excused or offer an additional reciting or point of view. The problem is that activist judges are unconstitutionally using their perceived power to set up de facto laws. (Sam: this is why the Florida Supreme Court decision was struck down). For a federal judge stop other children from saying the Pledge of Allegiance could be more easily argued as a violation of THEIR rights under the First AmmendmentÉ

A compromise would be a Pledge that was written with a blank space where "under God" is now. The students could be allowed to utter that phrase or stay silent or use another appropriate phrase if they wish...

I would agree that the country has much more important issues to address now...

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 16:55:09
Posted by: Mr. Sam, Slightly to the Left of Earl the Inquisitor

Earl, are you on drugs? You're half-truthed, obtuse ranting is the main reason that I long ago ceased trying to engage modern "conservatives" in a meaningful political discourse. You are so blinded by your partisanship that you missed the whole point of my commentary. I mentioned the word "Republican" once (in reference to fiscal irresponsibility), and you immediately launched into a holy crusade against all things "liberal." You are correct my friend. Political speech-making based on the day's talking points is indeed very boring. We've heard it all before, so please spare us the rhetoric.

So, since you missed it the first time Earl, let me repeat, the Senate vote was 99-0. Even a child can figure out the implications of that. Democrats gleefully joined Republicans in the opportunity to make meaningless election year political hay about something that they have no power (short of altering the Constitution) to do anything about. The "constitutionality" of the pledge will be ultimately decided in the courts, not the Congress. This whole congressional hand-wringing exercise is nothing more than a cynical attempt to manufacture a phoney re-election campaign issue. That, my friend, goes for all 535 members on Capitol Hill, and our bumbling leader at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. (Hail to the Thief!) They've all got more important issues to tackle than the legally appropriate wording of the Pledge. Period. [Oh, and BTW Earl, in case you missed this, the Pledge of Allegiance was written by an avowed socialist in the 1890s. And, the phrase "under God" was added to the pledge in 1954 at the height of the McCarthy era. Strange bedfellows indeed, if you ask me.]

Since you decided to use this forum as a soapbox for a political disinformation campaign, though, Earl, please allow me equal time for rebuttal. Two points, and then I'll give you back you're soapbox.

First, the election in Florida was a fraud. You're claim about the Bush administration's constitutional legitimacy (by virtue of winning the electoral college) is specious at best. Last time I looked, the Justice Department (which is Republican-run no less) has launched lawsuits against three counties in Florida for Civil Rights abuses during the 2000 general election. This was the real story (and crime) in Florida. The media obsession over butterfly ballots, chads, and the recount saga sadly obscured this. [Did JEB and Katherine Harris really think that they could indiscriminately disenfranchise almost 60,000 minority (and largely Democratic) voters without raising a few eyebrows in the Justice Department?]

Second, the current wave of corporate accounting scandals has arisen chiefly (or is that "thiefly") as a result of the Republican-led Congress's charge towards corporate deregulation in the latter 1990s. First, we had the California energy crisis that was manufactured by "Kenny Boy" (Dubbaya's affectionate nickname for Ken Lay, former Enron CEO) and his cronies in the recently deregulated energy markets. Now, we're seeing the impact of deregulation in the world of accounting and finance. Sadly, the results aren't going to be any better than when Republicans deregulated the Savings & Loan industry in the 1980s.

True Earl, Clinton could have been more effective in blocking this Republican chicanery. Then again, he would have had more time and resources to address the issue if the right-wing conspirators (eg, Richard Melon Scaife, David Brock, Kenneth Starr, Newt Gingrich, etc.) hadn't consumed so much of his time and attention with wave upon wave of baseless allegations (Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Troopergate/Paula Jones, etc.) Then, of course, there was the ultimate game of entrapment, abuse of Congressional power, and waste of taxpayer dollars-- the "Lewinsky Affair" and the sham impeachment proceedings (which poll after poll showed that 2/3 of the country opposed.) [Note: Anybody who still doubts the existence of the infamous "right-wing conspiracy" that Hillary spoke of should read David Brock's best-seller "Blinded By The Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative." Brock was knee deep into the conspiracy himself, so that clearly qualifies him as a credible and informed source. This book spells out the whole sordid, fascist, McCarthy-like campaign that conservatives waged against Clinton from day one in a desparate attempt to discredit him.]

Earl: Trivia question for you: Name one meaningful economic statistic that is better under GW Bush than under Clinton? [You've got two years to come up with a good answer Earl, or, alas, the headlines will once again read "It's the economy stupid!"]

That is all. I now return you to your daily meanderings about all things Steely Dan and tangentially Dan.

PS- Sorry if I've bored you Earl, but get a clue.

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 12:43:39
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

#1) Last time I checked, that higher power was mentioned in our Declaration of Independence. Am I right?

#2) This is a democracy with majority rule with respect to the minority. We give respect to the minority, such as they may leave the room or not participate in the saying of the Pledge. The minority should have respect for the majority though, where I remember hearing 95% of Americans believe in "a higher power." A God (or god), if you will. It's like forcing the non-smoking crowd to suffer in a restaurant because of a smoking section that believes their rights are more important than the others (which is slowly getting phased out).

#3) I assume DU = Ducks Unlimited??? DU is one of the most left-leaning organizations in this country. How can their news (more like propaganda) be taken as fact?

#4) It's amazing how you hold up the Constitution in your first paragraph, then claim it's not applicable in calling the Bush administration illegal. They won the Electoral College. Gore couldn't even pull his own state.

I love how Clinton's sexcapades are ignored when it comes to saying how wonderful his presidency is. Funny how he fell asleep at the wheel, and now we see companies like Enron, Global Crossing, Adelphia, and Worldcom going down in flames because they were allowed to get away with bad bookkeeping during the Clinton era. Not to mention the overinflated values of tech stocks during his reign. The economy is merely reequilibrating itself from the days of excess of the Clinton admin. Plain and simple.

Hoping for a new album, political discussion is getting boring!


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 11:54:51
Posted by: Whatevah happens,

I read today that Toto has a new album coming out soon called "Through the Looking Glass" and it will be an album of all covers of other people's songs and one of the songs will be Bodhisattva

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 10:34:54
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

To Gaslight someone is to make them THINK they are insane or going insane.

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 10:18:39
Posted by: jebbush,

Hey Earl - isn't it funny that republicans extoll the greatness of the founding fathers, the framers of the constitution - the bill of rights, until those documents get in the way of their own extremist nut job ideaology?

Fact is the founders worked hard for you to have religious freedom and the right to say "under god" (an interesting phrase) as much as you like - in your home, on the street, in your church. let's keep it that way.

What if your kid was forced to recite a pledge that said, " with liberty and justice for all - xcept for those negroes." Same thing.

How many more people have to die in the name of religion before you realize that there is something wrong?

Read Sitchin. Get back to me.

And don't forget to support your govenments hate of women and children.

This from DU:

<<They say politics makes strange bedfellows. And here are some bedfellows that (to be honest) aren't really that strange at all. It seems that conservative Christians in the United States have put aside decades of anti-Arab bigotry to join forces with hard-line Islam in the fight against liberalism. (And they said Johnny Lindh was a liberal. Puh-leeeze.) The target of their unholy alliance is the UN, which they perceive to be expanding rights to gays, women, and children. (Yes, children.) According to the Washington Post, conservative Christians have "cultivated fresh links with a powerful bloc of more than 50 moderate and hard-line Islamic governments, including Sudan, Libya, Iraq and Iran.>>

Let;'s face it friend. there is a extremely radical regime in power (illegally) that is working hard to undermine the america way and our freedoms in preparation for ashcroft's holy war.

If this administration was in an other country we would be asking our government to go to war against them!

Like every great nation, we've had our day. And its over. The People just don't give a shit.


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 09:16:24
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

Yo Mr. Sam: Funny how it's the Republicans that are drawing your criticism, and not the guy who is wasting the taxpayer's money on a frivolous lawsuit that is obviously an exercise in self-promotion more than separation of church and state. Notice he was on talk shows last coincidence by any means.

I'd like to know why, if he has SOO much money that he can afford to file these lawsuits, he doesn't try to help out the needy rather than try to inflate his ego. I'm so glad his daughter will not have to be injured anymore by such a damaging statement as "under God." I'm sure it would be much better for her to be called an atheist moron by her classmates than to have to sit through the Pledge of Allegiance. He's not looking out for his child, he's looking out for himself.


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 07:46:41
Posted by: norm, merci dôtes

You mean, "prak-tee-sheen 'ees, ow-you-say-in..., 'ees schôpz." Miss Lil Lambsydivey sends her warmest regards.

Speaking of Love, I brought some of their stuff with me for background at work. Four Sail is a really good album. The songs Nothing and I'm With You are forgotten gems. They should start adding more post-Forever Changes tunes to the current set.

From all reports, Arthur was on fire from start to finish on his European tour. He's heading back there in a few months, and some US shows in the meantime. These shows are not to be missed. Even those not familiar with his work can appreciate it at first listen. It cannot possibly disappoint. Even if you gotta drive a couple hours to the venue. It's really that good. With Arthur back in top form, and all those brilliant songs, they're providing the sort of thrill where you're in the middle of it and suddenly find yourself realizing how rare it is that something's THIS good.

So... the Really Big Shew is just a couple of weeks away. There are a few tunes I'm hoping to hear, but I'd rather be surprised. Do you guys know that Foreigner song that goes, "I'm just a thirty-watt bulb, thirty-watt bulb"? That's my favorite.

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 03:31:53
Posted by: Steveedan, Practicing his chops

Irene said:
Steveee: Really? You seem more like "ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah..." ;-)

Irene, Darling, (come to me ...) Don’t make me break out the accordion! I’m serious! I really do own one. It’s a dandy, red and white mother of pearl ... Roll out the Barrel !!! Well I crossed my old Man back at Budweiser ... oomp pah pawww !!!

And to mon ami, Monsiour Norm de Plume ... Merci beaucoup pour le Mot “... oop-ip-ip, oop-ip-ip, yeah.” Tu es mon frere, Dude.


Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 03:22:09
Posted by: Mister Sam, Outside the beltway (just barely)

JEB- Good to see that somebody else around here finally figured out that BUSH is little more than a convenient shorthand for BUllSHit.

And, speaking of bullshit, how about our gutsy Congress. Action on things like the burgeoning corporate accounting scandals, global warming, swelling federal budget deficits (notice how the deficit always seems to grow when the "fiscally-responsible" Republicans are in charge?), pharmaceutical industry profiteering at the expense of the elderly, and the future solvency of the social security system can all wait until the shit really hits the fan. But let one judge question the constitutionality of the phrase "one nation under G*d" in a government-mandated, public school oath, and watch them bravely leap to our collective defense in a 99-0 Senate vote! No sir, can't have that. My guess is that President Party Boy's handlers are already planning a trip to the flag factory for this fall.

Perhaps, D&W are withholding the release of their next effort as a silent protest to the putsch that "George Bush and all those Nazis down in Washington" have so smoothly pulled off. Do I sense a "Fall of 2002" composition in the works?

Date: Thurs, June 27, 2002, 01:23:28
Posted by: Darrell Nutt, Translucent Records / Flordia


I've worked with several musicians from the Steely Dan alumni and I read some of the comments presented here in this guestbook (The bluebook - great name!). One comment that I found strange was the guy speaking quite negatively about Apple Computer and Macintosh Computers. (Date: Mon, January 07, 2002, 15:51:36 Posted by: Dave)

I'm confused? Someone out there - intelligent enough to understand the DAN yet be narrow minded enough to insult a widley creative and innovative company like APPLE. Ahh, maybe he really doesn't understand the DAN, just hopped on after GRAMMY day and road the wave. I do earn my living on Macintosh Computers, I do like Steely Dan, I do sessions with some of the past musicians, yet I do not insult the PC. Many people use many different platforms to be creative, earn a living and as entertainment. I happen to use a PC tower as an end table in my living room for conversation. That doesn't make me a PC hater - simply a guy that saw the best use for a product.

I digress, and humor myself...

The bottom line...

PC's do stuff - Mac's do stuff - now, light a candle, find a glass of Grand Mariner & listen to "2 Against Nature" and shut the damn computers off for a change.


Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 23:21:54
Posted by: jebbush,

O - You are so kind. were it that you were growing outside my door… but such language - you will be detained with out legal council - GOODBYE.

Other bluebookers - Oh yeah you like steely dan, blah, blah, blah. Heck, I don't know about you guys but I think their music is - REALLY GOOD!!

I'm not just saying that either. WOW!

smh (shakin my head) damn they're good!


Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 20:14:53
Posted by: oleander, howlin' at the loons

jeb--You may have fucked up the election, but your top 10 is grinogenic.

gaslighting....--I am SLAIN.

Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 15:48:27
Posted by: Irene,

To expand on Hey Mike-teen's message: Brian "Connect-the-dots" Sweet again represents his own opinion as fact. I suspect that Brian claims that "Gaslighting Abbie" is actually about noneother than himself, as he might put it, "having three-way sex with me, myself and I."

But actually, Donald Fagen says on the "Words + Music" interview CD for TAN, that "Gaslighting Abbie" is an approximation of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "Gaslight." That little flick has a guy in a second arrangement where he and his new secret squeeze try to make the lady in first arrangement go insane by doing little subversive things like moving her clothes, home goods, etc. elsewhere and then not acknowledging that it ever happened. Other things along that line.

Based on the "Mary Tyler Moore Show"? Ridiculous.

Steveee: Really? You seem more like "ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah ooom-pah-pah..." ;-)


Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 13:27:14
Posted by: HeyMike, chicago

Brian Sweet says Gaslighting Abbie is about 3way sex!

Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 11:58:29
Posted by: Whatevah happens,

Funny note below about Gaslighting Dear Abby!

ON a related note, last weekend I was watching this movie on TV with Mary Tyler Moore about the infamous Kimes mother-and-son con-artist team (Sante Kimes and her son Ken). These people duped many people across the country into falling for their scams, and when they got to New York, they actually conspired to murder a nice old lady for her home.

It occurred to me while watching this movie that D&W may have gotten some of their inspiration for Gaslighting Abbie from this situation, since it was big news in NYC tabloids around the time that D&W were in NYC and (presumably) writing some of the 2vN material.

The line, "a few more tweaks and then she's out of here" came to mind right away... Also, "a luscious invention for three".

Anyone else make this connection???

Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 09:08:03
Posted by: norm,

...that's oop-ip-ip, oop-ip-ip, yeah. But you're gettin' there!

Date: Wed, June 26, 2002, 07:46:20
Posted by: Steveedan, Beverly Hills, California

No Mikey, it's not nice to name the band(s) that don't come up to the level that they should. It's not right, as much as I might want to, but if your guessing Orange County, you are on the right path ...

Our bass player used to play in a classic rock band with one of the guys from the Fleetwood Mac tribute band. He tells me that they are pretty good. I leave a full (or is that a fool) report here after the July 11th gig.

Also, Miguel, are you familiar with Kubrick's ( and Stephen King's) "The Shining"? Torrance is Jack Nicholson's last name, not the city he or I am from. The sign-in line at the top of this post contains the answer for you ...

and Mr. Bush-Man -- exactly right ... Who you callin' "boy"? Ah should bop ya upside da head, ... don't be no fool, fool. I've got more of a chance to play with Arthur Lee's Love than with that beached boychick ... seven and seven is ... bip bop bop bip bop bop yeah.

Stevee (bipity bopity) Dan

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 19:58:15
Posted by: François (Proud Host of Paris Danfest), Paris, France (where else...??)

Hi everyone,

This post is mostly directed at French SD fans (or even foreigners)living in the Paris area, but I wouldn't let the rest of the world fans not informed.
I'm looking for musicians, all sorts, in order to build up France's first SD cover band.
Being a drummer and singer and a huge SD fan, I'm thrilled at the prospect. Proud to say that this band has already received the moral (and perhaps contributive) support of ARay aka Princess of Cairo.
This year's Fete de la Musique is already behind us so we hace a full year now to gather and give the best of us to enlighten our fellow citizens with Don and Walt Words of Wisdom.
Please state your claim to (me that is) and let's do it !!

"what a shame..."

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 19:43:40
Posted by: Peg, Nicotine-free but 20 lbs. fatter now

Hoopsie, thankx for the movie info. If I find any more unwanted Glengarry CDs I will rescue them, too. They are worth it!
All this hubub about changing lyrics in IGY...okay, here's my take. As both a Christian and as a songwriter, I would have left that dear song alone. If you don't like the lyrics then make a new one, UNLESS you're using the tune, like Wierd Al Yankovic does, you know, and changing lyrics, as the legal folks say, for reasons of "fair comment" or satire or whatever. The song makes a statement. It's Fagen being his genius self by using guileless credos from the past in the verses, like "by '76 we'll be a-ok", etc., because they sound so outrageous now, juxtaposed against the today's cynicism.
Maybe Take Six changed the lyrics because they just plain didn't get the song...They have the right to do what they did, but was it the artistically sensitive thing to do? Don't think so...sortof like changing some part of a great painting.
As for Christian music existing for bucks: Long time ago I was a deejay on a Christian radio station and believe me they spend major $$ promoting and packaging Christian artists, just like any other type of music. Nothing wrong with that -- they're in business to make $$ like everybody else. Really, you have to consider that the stars in the Christian music biz may have a tougher row to hoe than others, basically because everyone expects them to be absofreakin' perfect.

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 19:07:51
Posted by: Gaslighting Dear Abby (not Hey Mike, but Maybe Mikester),

Dear Dandom;

Now that Eppie Lederer / Ann Landers has passed on to that great advice column in the sky, I was thinking Donald and Walter should replace her in a new syndicated feature, "Dear Donny and Wally." They could even alternate weeks as to which week it was "Dear Donny and Wally" and which week it was "Dear Wally and Donny." And I'm sure they'd enjoy reading letters in their respective hot tubs with a spate of babes waiting on them. On top that, unlike Eppie Lederer when she started, D + W already have prior experience via the legendary Steely Dan Mailbag.

Since Steely Dan's songs have already served us as a major influence in all facets of our lives--dating, lovemaking, money-making and self-gratification, it would be quite fitting if they expaned into a internationally syndicated advice column. Imagine this:

"Dear Donny and Wally,

I have been dating the woman of my dreams for the past three months and now I think I should ask her to make love with me. Only one problem; on our first date, she mentioned in passing that she had either T.B. or V.D. But I can't remember which. How do I tactfully clarify her situation?

Sign me,


"Dear Hard,

Donny: "Easy! If she coughs..."

Wally: ...fuck her!"

W + D: "Three months? What's taking you so long?"


Now I think you'll agree, Dear Wally and Donny's one-liners and quips are sure to cut through any self-inposed hangups and personal internal bureaucracies and baggage. They could even call themselves, "The Baggage-Claim Gurus of Self-Help."

Another possible scenario, again not as good as D + W might do, but just to give them the idea that they could do better:

"Dear Wally and Donny;

I think some of the priests at our monastery are engaging in sex acts together. As nuns of the order, what shall we do?

Sign us,


"Dear Babs,

Donny: "When in Rome...

Wally: " like the Roman collars do!"

D + W: "Yeah, whataya saving it for!? You sound like Martha in the New Testament! Grab your sister and have good time too."


Apparently, the way you get this job is to answer the following question:

"My neighbors have a walnut tree and the walnuts keep falling in our yard. What do I do with the Walnuts?"

Now, based on the Steely Dan Mailbag, we already know Walter and Donald are a shoe-in for to write this column. But since they are too busy recording The Next One, and, maybe we could help by ghost writing an answer for them. I mean, Eppie had someone helping her, why not Donny and Wally?

Here's the start of my response:

D: "What should you do with the walnuts?"

W: "Well, that depends on what the neighbor looks like."

D: "Yeah, is she fine lookin'?"

W: "Or some gorilla of a guy car-mechanic..."


Well, I think you get the idea. WWWDD?

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 17:16:46
Posted by: Jebbush,

Hey Randy? Can't you share with the rest of the class?


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 16:58:14
Posted by: Randy, Northern NJ/USA

Quick message for/to 'Peg': did you ever receive the e-mail I sent you a ways back with the info on Steely Dan's "Fall of '92"? Just curious; send me an e-mail and let me know if you got it-

"Look in my eyes / can't you see the core is frozen / you can't ask me to access the dreams I don't have now..."
-Steely Dan, 'West of Hollywood'


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 15:42:10
Posted by: Jebbush,

Hey mikey.

Your intro thing - funny. They still make schlitz you know - have you had the huevos to try it?

The president maker,


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 15:37:39
Posted by: jebbush,

Hey talk about scary. i saw on Stevee's webpage that he will be playing on Mike Love's new solo CD, "Don't Call Me Boy!"

In the


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 15:24:04
Posted by: Mike (Not Mike Rama),

Yeah that could be scary...especially if it were some 300 lb witch with a nose bone whirling around in endless vertigo pretending to be Stevie Nicks. Oh wait! That IS Stevie Nicks or is it our Stevee from Torance...Yes, now that explains a lot about those posts here.

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 14:43:52
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

The Truth: Could be worse....(Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band?)

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 14:01:48
Posted by: Mike-rama (not my gramma),

Bands on par with Ruthie's Red Door? No!!! I can't handle the truth? Try me!!! Name the bands! Dish the dirt! The truth is waiting to be told, Mr. Steveee Whatevah! Let the truth spread it's wings and unfold b-4 us!

Mr. M.R.

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 13:14:36
Posted by: Steveedan(ny Torrance), The Overlook Hotel

Mike-rama (not my gramma) ...

In the case of certain bands, you don't know how close you are to the truth ... AND YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH !!!

Signed --

Jack Nicholson (with 9 Iron in hand ...)

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 10:52:19
Posted by: Jebber,

Clarification. The pizza plate is the one from St. Louis '93, not the more prized 2000 plate. I hope I didn't screw up anyones plans.


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 10:45:07
Posted by: Mike-rama (not my gramma),

There's a new Steely Dan cover band playing the Shakey's Pizza down the street. They open for Peaches and Herb. It's called "The Red Door." They only play the intros of Steely Dan songs. At least the easy ones. They play an intro and then do the next. intro. The whole show is like 7-1/2 minutes. Not bad after you down some 'chovie pizza and chug-a-lug some Schlitz..

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 10:43:40
Posted by: Jebbush,

Ten reasons why you should get your ass in gear and go to a DANFEST:

10. One of the females in the group will insist on reading her (very long) tribute poem to donald's lips by candle light.

9. What's his name has a paper plate that held a pineapple and ham slice of pizza that Walter ate from backstage in St Louis.

8. We are delighted to listen to some strum chum play his Dan parody tune ad nauseum. Of course be sure to be supportive.

7. The 71 year old waitress at the hotel bar gets into the fun by changing her name tag to read "Gretchen." I sure hope they don't run out of rum this year!

6. No problem though, the 3rd floor fest central has real kirswasser and SHELLS. We paid a little security deposit to the hotel after last year.

5. The on going debate: Snooky Young vs. Plas Johnson - Who has made a more important contribution to the Dan Legacy. I think I have some salient points to put Plas over the top this year.

4. The guy from Montana who comes costumed like Jeff Baxter will be detained and questioned by agents from Homeland Security.

3. The hats and hooter will be the closest most dan geeks get to real hooters all year.

2. The St. Al shaped pinata!

1. We are family, man. In light of recent tragic events, that is important.

- you think Tampa is desparate and dark? - Jebbush in 2002!

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 10:14:42
Posted by: jebbush,

What is another name for "Steely Dan Tribute BAnds?'

Answer: Welfare reform for horn players! Whoa!!!!!

A hero for the 21st Century

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 10:06:37
Posted by: Jebbush,



I love the trib bands! I say, "Here we are now, ENTERTAIN US!!!"

Me and my mates are forming a steely damned trib band. Once my hair grows to about three feet long, we will be listing our tour dates here. Our opener is a chick who has Kiki Dee down cold.


- God is love (well, at least my god is)

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 09:31:12
Posted by: Little Wild One, Houston

hoops, et al.

Your fair metro is Southwest Airlines "featured destination" on their internet specials this week. Book by 6/27 for travel through 10/25, including Labor Day weekend....approx. $99 +/- each way from just about anywheres.

I got mine. Now, let's hear a little more about this Jazzfest and a hot venue for Katy Lied so we can all be transported to the Houston/Dallas Danfests of 2k.


Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 09:06:55
Posted by: luckless pedestrian, @ work

previous great steely dan studio musicians becoming born again christians?

just a coincidence?

lol - good thread

Date: Tues, June 25, 2002, 04:22:46
Posted by: Steveedan,

Keith -

I have visited Justin's website and those soundclips are very impressive. One of the guitarists in my new Steely Dan tribute band, Pretzel Logic, used to teach in a music school where Justin used to teach. There are a lot of Steely Dan related people floating around the Los Angeles area. Lately we have had the pleasure of running into a few of them now and then.

The debut performance of Pretzel Logic - A Steely Dan Revue will take place on Thursday, July 11, 2002 at Paladino's in the valley of Los Angeles at 8 PM. We share the bill with a Fleetwood Mac tribute band, so our set will be jam packed with songs. I hope to see some of you there.


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 19:21:58
Posted by: Keith,

I saw that Peter Frampton is working on his first new album in 8 years. He's recording at home--in Cincinatti, Ohio. I usually think of these guitar greats living in London or NY or LA.

Speaking of Guitar greats, that Justin Morrell album of Steely Dan songs is amazing.


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 18:12:08
Posted by: Mr.Sticks,

This week join Steely Fan Band as we make our first appearance down south..sanDiego the San Diego County Fair!
This Thursday evening,June 27,2002..catch an evening of great music at the fair,located on the Del Mar fairgrounds in Del MAR,cA.

The evening beings at 7pm with music from the one and only ....
Tickets are available for general admission at the fairground main entrance and the shows are included!
Steely Fan Band

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 17:22:40
Posted by: jebbush,

… well certainly stevee i agree with you but the song we now know as "talking bout my home," which could be the most boring of the SD "found tunes," steals from the much better tune (mega shine city)'s chorus:

Talking bout my home
mega shine city
talking about my home
the only home i ever known

And wereas the lyrics are bad in mega shine as well, at least that song was a GREAT rocker. why donald wanted to dismatle it and go boring with TAMH is beyond me.

Of course, the Donald wimp factor is rampant throughout MEGA as well:

"So i'll just say good evening to you all - god bless." C'mon!

Which brings us to the recent religion thread here. Religion is a warped joke. Don't pray to your slave masters!!!!!


z. sitchin

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 16:18:55
Posted by: Earl again, Delaware again

Let me clarify my position more. I don't believe Christianity is about commerciality. I believe that there are instances where the Christian music industry is influenced by commerciality. Business is business. Now, people need to make a living, and I think that the majority of Christian artists make what they need to make to live in a suitable way. I have a feeling that the recording industry pulls a lot of strings behind Christian music, as in other forms of music. The artists may look to create accessible music so that the message they want to convey gets absorbed and hopefully accepted by the listener. Doesn't make them sellouts per se, just wanting to make a difference.


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 16:18:03
Posted by: Keith,

Michael Omaritan (spelling?) who played keys on "Here At The Western World" subsequently became a born-again Christian. So is Larry Carlton. I think Ricky Lawson is and I think Michael McDonald recently became born again too. At least some of the lyrics on his recent Christmas album would suggest so.

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 16:11:42
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

I believe Fagen was trying to show 80's America the conjecture that was said back in the 50's to make people believe that things were going to be so much better in the future. Whether it was to lift the spirits of a country that was heading towards the Cold War, or to cash in on people's hoping for the best, I doubt the subject of the song was a reflection on how great things are now. If that was the case, Fagen could have listed hundreds of advancements that were made since then. Instead, he listed things that were "propaganda," for instance the "eternally free, yes and eternally young" line. Or the "Spandex Jackets one for everyone" line. It was just conjured-up images of how great things would be, and instead it's easy to see that we don't have utopia now, we just have other problems.

As for the commercialness of Christianity, I don't refute this at all. I think there are people that don't have God in mind when they do things, instead they want to make a buck. But to be able to reach people with the message, you need to be able to give it to them in a form they want to listen to. So naturally it's going to have a degree of selling out in it, right?

A Christian believes in redemption, even for the most troubled. I hope that it's a tiny minority of believers that ignore the people in the most trouble in their lives.

I think we'll be waiting a while for Junkie Girl to be converted to Contemporary Christian lyrics.

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 15:35:00
Posted by: Osama Bin Laden, Guess where?

I too am happy with Take 6's new Muslim extremist version of I.G.Y. Except for the fact that we believe music to be frivolous and sinful, it's a good ditty. What a wonderful world it will be. What a glorious time to wear a burqua. God is great that there are no other meanings to words.

God is great


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 14:50:21
Posted by: Titki, Barrytown, NY

I don't understand all this negativity about I.G.Y. I am SO GLAD that Take 6 is doing a Krishna version of I.G.Y. Before, all I had to chant at airports were a few Beatles songs and, of course, Barrytowne. Now with it's new Krishnified lyrics, I have something else.

With all the Christian radio stations these days, it's next to impossible to get a Krishna radio station on the air. Now, thanks to Take 6, we're one song closer to realizing our station's play list.


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 14:05:08
Posted by: Cosmic WoW,

Fallacies of propaganda? You thought that. Fagen didn't say that. Show me where he says that.

You say, "I would guess that these adapted lyrics were carefully crafted to be sellable." Ah-HA! It's about getting Christian's bucks, isn't it? Or do they want to say what Fagen is saying but adding their own perspective? I don't agree with the perspective but I defend their right to have it.

It's not OK to have a good message next to dark music? I don't say that, but it seems conservative Christians apparently would think so.

No the point is that many Christians look for things to be black and white, good and evil, instead of instead of undertaking the hard work of looking for all the good that lives amongst the bad.

Can't wait for Take Six to cover Junkie Girl and Show Biz Kids.


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Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 13:52:26
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

Wow: As far as the cynicism in IGY goes, I actually agree that it's not THAT cynical, not nearly as much as other Fagen and/or Becker compositions. There is a biting sarcasm about the song, though. I think that he's singing the song because he's trying to show the fallacies of propaganda. Problems are alleviated over time, but as you advance other concerns become apparent.

And trust me, I don't disagree with spontaneous changing of lyrics, melody, solo, etc. Improvisation is one of the greatest parts of music in my opinion. I'm just not sure I agree with intentionally going in and saying, "I like the chorus, but the verses don't serve our purpose; let's change 'em." I think during a performance some spontaneous interpretation is fine. I would guess that these adapted lyrics were carefully crafted to be sellable.

As far as Contemporary Christian Rock goes, I don't particularly care for the metal-ish songs, or the rap songs in that genre. But arguably the point of the music is to deliver a message to as many people as possible. As a person who plays a wide assortment of Christian rock songs for his church, I think reaching younger people (if you notice churchgoers are typically the more senior members of society) is important. It's funny how it's OK for Peg to be a sad song w/ happy music, but it's not OK to have a good message next to dark music.


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 13:50:14
Posted by: W1P,

Hey Cosmic Wow, plug in some Stryper and get saved with some power chords and black leather pants with yellow stripes! They're almost as good as Fore In Errrrr. Bands with (alleged) Christian messages U2, Creed, Live. Hey Steveeee, since you are playing 7/11, shouldn't you do She's a Roller by April Wine ("seven come eleven or blackjack")?

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 12:34:43
Posted by: Cosmic WoW,

I'm a Christian (Unitarian)and I personally don't get what needs to be changed in IGY. At the same time, isn't singing just a form of acting with room for many interpretations? I haven't heard Take Six's take on IGY, I don't think it needs to be Christianized. Yet, I also defend others' rights to do their own interpretation. Earl saying if the lyrics don't suit you, don't sing is also ridiculous.

First, I don't get what is so cynical about IGY. Since we're being so literal, someone point it out to me. IGY totally captures the idealism of the late 1950s and IGY. That's the way we were. By the way, The International Geophysical Year was about 18 months long and The Scientists were to go out and collect all kinds of data on the measurements of the world. Now, certainly, as Hoops pointed out, you may choose to look back on that time with cynicism today. But Fagen was just telling like it was. Some might say it was rather Machiavellian. Not wrong, not right, just the way it is. Feel free to view it cynically, wouldn't surprise me if Fagen viewed it with cynicsm. So fine, if Take Six sees it as cynical, that's their head saying it is negative. They can feel free to see it that way, but I don't know why they have to blame others for the negativity they feel.

Then there is interpretation. I have to really disagree with Earl on this one. Especially with Jazz, the performer is encouraged to take a song and play it in new ways, unique to and inprovised by the performer. Guitars and pianos and words ALL convey a message, not just words and singing. What difference do the words make, if I vary the color of the chords? "Peg" is a very sad song (says Donald Fagen) with ironically happy music. What if I sang the "Our Father" with all sorts of nasty chords and minors or with the sarcasm of "Only A Fool Would Say That?" The point is that, songs should be open to intrepretation, and whether they want to inporvise the words or the guitar chords to something new to express their feelings, they should be allowed to do that.

Of course, there is an asterisk. In many cases, the song in question has to be licensed from the song publisher so it can appear on a recording. So if Donald owns the songwriting to IGY, he could have stopped it. In short, reinterpretation of a song can be stopped by the songs owner.

This leads me to a bigger issue. I think most so-called "Contemporary Christian Music" is a lot of huey. I love heavy metal---but does just changing the heavy metal song to have lyrics like, "saved by Jesus" make it Christian? The music is still as menacing as the obfusicated non-Christian lyrics if you ask me. And these types of Christians run around with tight clothes, big tits sticking in the camera, and the like, singing "Jesus loves me." Hey! I love big tits too :-) but I thought you were trying to say something else.

So yeah, the thought of Christianizing IGY pisses me off. Yet, I defend the idea of new words to express one's perspective or add new thoughts to the idea behind a song. What next? We can't burn the flag as a symbol of disgust with the political system or criticize Bush?


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Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 11:53:30
Posted by: HeyMike, CHGOBURBS

Hoops sorry we missed you on Sat. KL was terrific. cold coronas in the sun Live SD!!! Some new faces too. My kids held out for "Rikki" then they wanted to move on. It was a great night however. Hoops is right...anyone within driving distance needs to get over here and see and support these guys. Bob thanks for the shoutout, the kids were impressed!!!


Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 11:26:06
Posted by: Big Fan,

N.E.R.D (No one Every Really Dies) influenced by Steely Dan:

Date: Mon, June 24, 2002, 08:45:15
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

This is in reference into Dirk's Take 6 comments. Being both a huge Steely Dan fan and a guitarist for the music team at my church, I have an appreciation for both styles of music. We actually routinely use secular songs to lead into the message as a way of presenting the topic. That being said, I think that music can be written for many different reasons. My problem with the comments by Cedric (just sounds so much like schmedrick, n'est pas?) is that there is only one reason a song is written. The writer has a distinct reason for writing the song. Thus, to change the song to fit your own interests is just wrong. If you don't like the verse, you need to write a whole new song to convey the message you want.

Granted, I have a strong feeling that their record company is putting the group up to this, and they are just repeating what they were told to say. And truth be told, these guys probably don't know much about music other than singing. I just take a little issue with a group trying to adapt a song for their own interests. It shows laziness in my opinion.

I'm sure that Fagen won't be too upset w/ royalties from this recording, but there was a reason for the cynicism denoted in the lyrics. If you don't like that, don't sing it.


Date: Sun, June 23, 2002, 22:14:29
Posted by: hoops,

Bruce: LOL

Dirk: Again, thanks for hosting the Düsseldorf Danfest before the 2000 show. Still fond memories of that eatery.

BTW: I've never been able to get GGGR on video tape (although I guess Flat2Hat has seen it everywhere on clearance). Waiting for the DVD, Someday?

On Friday, I got the new one from Bruce Hornsby, "Big Swing Face." I really dig Bruce's technical ability and some of his compositions. Other times, his songs leave me a little cool. I find I usually love about 4-5 tracks on every album of his—outstanding—and a few I don't care for. No exception here BUT this is a very different Hornsby album. In the liner notes, the endorsements read, "Bruce Hornsby plays Baldwin pianos (but not much on this record)." And indeed that's the case.

Like Herbie Hancock's recent, "Future2Future," "Big Swing Face" is Bruce's electronica album. I think I hear a Baldwin maybe once. That said, I liked the album since Bruce ventures out to somethning a lot different from any of his previous albums. I mean, if I just heard most any of these tracks on the radio, I wouldn't even guess they were by Hornsby. Apparently, the album was so different, that it wasn't certain if RCA was going to put it out. The album is kind of "electronica meets Jerry Garcia." On "The Chill," I could swear they've sampled Garcia on it. Cool album. Cool cover art, too.

Date: Sun, June 23, 2002, 21:41:44
Posted by: Bruce Lee, somewhere over China

Hoops: "do not rook, feeeeeeeahhll"

Date: Sun, June 23, 2002, 20:55:34
Posted by: hoops, In Chicago, where it's +90°

Katy Lied: Last Night was kick ass. Hard to believe that these guys have only played less than half a dozen gigs. Still some tweaks needed, but well worth it. This time the shows was outside right next to a busy intersection. It felt like a street party. The heat, the playing, the music…well, every so often I felt transported back to the Houston and Dallas SD 2K shows.

Highlights for me included Dennis' solos on "F.M.," "Don't Take Me Alive," and "Tomorrow's Girls;" Bob's playing, especially on an extended intro to "Reelin'" and the girls taking some of the vocals on "Peg." Marvelous stuff!!!!

If you are in driving range of the far west Chicago suburbs, check out their next gigs this Saturday night at Harry's in downtown Arlington Heights or on July 3 at Naperville's Ribfest where they open for the aforementioned Foreigner. The drive will be well worth it, especially during this Dan tour-less summer.

Thanks again, guys and gals, for your great performance.

Regarding Foreigner, I have to say this: circa 1977, I was really wowed by the clarity on the opening keys on "Cold As Ice." At that stage of life I was also wowed by the clarity and bombasticness of a babe with breast implants. "Is it live or is it silicone?" In a certain way, I still appreciate it today, but also know better.

Dirk: I haven't heard Take 6's "I.G.Y." but at first was wondering what the hell they could see wrong with that one. Sure, all of America was really looking forward with the idealism that knowledge and technology would make for a perfect world, and, sure, it was also looked back by us all from the perspective of 1981 with cynicism since, yeah, it didn't happen and other stuff (i.e. the 60s) did. But then it clicked as to what could be bothering a Christian group about "I.G.Y." I don't know their new lyrics but I bet it bothers them that from the late 50's perspective of "I.G.Y.," the lines, "Just big machines to make big decisions, programmed by fellas with compassion and vision" bothers then as those words don't say "machines and fellas filled with CHRIST will make the big decisions." That's my guess.

But this leads me to Peg's question as to what "Glengary Glen Ross" is about. You see, Take Six does this really upbeat version of "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" that is on the soundtrack album. I don't think their brand of Christianity has changed since then. If that's the case, what are they doing associated with a movie where the word "fuck" is uttered about as frequently as the word "the"? The play and movie is about a sleazy,cut-throat, down-and-out, realty office trying to sell property on the subdivision for which this movie is named. Lots of backstabbing and who-did-what-to-whom. One fascinating part about the movie is that I don't believe the cast features any women. (Yeah, OK, I'm sure maybe in the restaurant scene there were some eatting in the background, but you know what I mean if you have seen it.) So that's what the movie is about. And Take Six's track is this ironically upbeat ditty.

Again, the "Music From and Inspired by Glengary Glen Ross" is one of my desert island discs. Like a volunteer for the Human Society, I rescue GGGR CDs from budget bins and find loving homes for them since it is such a great CD and out of "print" in the U.S.A. It's that great. And of course, DF wrote "Blue Lou" for it, a stunning sleeper at first, that slow-builds to this sublime orgasm, featuring, of course, Lou Marini and the Joe Roccisano Orchestra. So if you can't find it, let me know. Did I say it was a great CD?

Cosmic: Great point about the "trumpet parsleys"—but somehow, I always took that ascii doodling at the bottom of your posts to be just that—a trumpet line! ( Just kidding.)



Date: Sun, June 23, 2002, 15:51:34
Posted by: Dirk, Duesseldorf / Germany

Grammy Award winning vocal group Take 6 did a cover of I.G.Y. on their new CD „Beautiful World“, produced by Marcus Miller.

For a short MP3 clip please check :

I haven’t heard the complete song so far, but what I know, they’ve changed the lyrics of the verses. Anyone has the complete „revamped“ lyrics ?

A quote from their homepage :

“That song, in its original form, was done tongue-in-cheek with an almost cynical bent,” says Cedric (of Take 6). “But the chorus, separated from the verses, can be performed and received as very happy and inspiring. That’s what we went with, and we wrote new lyrics to the verses that give it an actual gospel message.”

A PC and christian version of I.G.Y. , that’s what the world has waiting for .... LOL

Date: Sun, June 23, 2002, 01:31:30
Posted by: Steveedan, Cowering under an umbrella

Hey Pink ... and Dennis ...

Well, ya caught me !!! You see, I am hard-wired and simply cannot play songs like "Cold As Ice", and "Hot Blooded" because I just cannot listen to them. So you got me. But I can play Aja (both the song and the whole dang album) and about 90 other Dan-Fagen-Becker songs including many of the pre-Steely Dan tunes.

Dennis (don't crap yourself buddy, that wouldn't be good ...) back me up on this ... if you LOVE to do something, then the task of doing it becomes so much easier. Case in point, Fagen's "True Companion".

I hope that some of you will be able to attend my new band's debut performance on July 11, 2002 in Los Angeles at Paladino's at 8 PM. (Located in the San Fernando Valley, north of the city of Los Angeles at the northwest corner of Reseda Blvd. and Topham St., one block north of Oxnard St.) in Tarzana, CA. We are Pretzel Logic - A Steely Dan Revue. Print out this promo and get $2 off of the $7 cover charge. Tell them "Foreigner" sent ya.

By the way, did any of you know that April 26th was National Pretzel Day? Don't tell me you missed it !!!

Hoops - happy first birthday. Congratulations my friend.

Steveedan (F, BL, MD, & KM for PL)

Date: Sat, June 22, 2002, 13:06:14
Posted by: Peg, In da shade

OO -- Love that parsley comment. It's o so true.
My personal musical pain (in TV commercials ) for the past several months has been the chick who shrieks, "Freedom is calling yeeeeaaaoooooouuuuuu" in the Nissan ads. ooh call your doctor, call your shrink...
Several folks have been excited about the soundtrack to Glengarry Glen Ross and I found it this week ($5 at the used CD store -- my lucky day). I agree it is outstanding. Gosh Al Jarreau doing Blue Skies, and Wayne Shorter, and all those Ellington tunes and touches.....
But, can anybody tell me what the movie is about? Those pictures on the insert have no captions.

Date: Fri, June 21, 2002, 17:49:07
Posted by: Cosmic WoW,

Was reading how the Grateful Dead are trying to do a reunion show. Wouldn't Walter make a great replacement for Jerry?

There was this interview with Jimmy Buffet. He pointed out that there were more than a few Parrotheads who died in the WTC attack. Pretty sad.

Then he talked about working with Russ Titlemen as the producer on his latest record. He says that Russ would spend time working on production when Jimmy himself would have said, "good enough." Huh. Walter and Donald never say good enough. (I thought I remember a rumor that Donald touched up a track on Kama AFTER the first copies hit the street. Maybe it was Snowbound.) He says, Russ knew when to put in a few trendy Mile Davis-like trumpet lines in to accent the sound. That stopped me right there. What's with all these Miles Davis trumpet lines being added to so many recordings these days, like oh so many parsleys? Nothing like "tack-on" trumpets. Like putting trendy decals on sports coupes would supposedly make a Dodge Neon be as cool as a Corevette. Mile's trumpet captured emotion. These trumpet lines are just added to be like a parsley. No soul.


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Date: Fri, June 21, 2002, 12:06:45
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

Hey W1P,

Yes, Stevee returning the Foreigner record because the keyboard parts were too hard. I almost shit on myself man, that was funny. All in good fun though I hope. E-mail me if you have time dude.


Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 23:59:37
Posted by: W1P,

Hey Dennis, which part? .38 Special? or Steevee qutting because Cold as Ice was too hard?

Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 21:29:53
Posted by: HeyMike, foot of mt. balzoni

I think I may make the next Katy Lied gig in fashionable Geneva, Il--( 3 for 3)
I might bring the kids this time, heck they can sing along to Babylon Sisters with the best of us! outdoors 80+ degrees, cold beer, could be a gas!
Anyone else game?

Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 11:27:13
Posted by: Jeff, again,


meant to say that Dr. John would be at the Prospect Park BAND SHELL near Prospect and Ninth.


Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 11:23:53
Posted by: Jeff Stevenson, NYC

Congrats on a year, Blue Book. Yes, Matt, I can't believe that more than a year has flown by since we were all together at Le Bar Bat for the Danfest to top all Danfests. Or two years since we were all getting rained on at Jones Beach, to see SD.

Just wanted everyone to know that Dr. John is bringing his voodoo boogie funkmeisterness to Prospect Park in Brooklyn tonight at 7:45 in Prospect Park. It's in the band shell near 9th.

Also, saw in the paper that Le Bar Bat and Iguana New York are offering $3-$5 lunch tasting menus today. This is part of a list of about 150 eaterries that are celebrating restaurant day and week 2002. Proceeds are benefitting Citymeals-on-wheels and Share Our Strength.

Laters everyone!


Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 09:39:22
Posted by: mark debitetto, massachusetts

First Post Folks,
Great site Hoops! Still exploring all your pages.
Wanted to ask if some Micheal MacDonald and Rosie Vela tunes would fit
in with your stations programming. All the music is excellent(I'm a Jazz, Big Band fan). And I can never get enough SD. And how about the title track to the movie BRIGHT LIGHTS BIG CITY /Micheal Fox. When I first saw the movie I crapped my pants when I heard Donald and Walter singing this song I knew nothing about...Great Tune.
Also just picked up the 2Against Nature DVD(had the VHS from a year ago). It's just like being there with surround sound. One more thing
and I'll shut up(I'm so excited you folks are here)also picked up the DVD AJA the making of the album, it's excellent to anyone interested.
Thanks for your time,
Steely Dan June 2000 TWEETER CENTER Boston Ma(my only live encounter)

Date: Thurs, June 20, 2002, 09:01:37
Posted by: Tyrone Skimkins, Franklin, Mississippi

Matt....Maybe it's paranoia but....I get very nervous when someone from Tennessee uses the word "clan"

Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 22:08:22
Posted by: Peg, Nicotine-free, for 1 hour and counting

Matt: I think we all are starved for live SD.
Just today I recalled their brief appearance on the Good Morning America (or suchlike morning show) in May of 2000 with reverence. (And the audio was bad for that!) Then, in my mind, I replayed the opening strains of Boston Rag, as it was done during the tour. I saw Don and Walt stride onto the stage....As I was in my car, I grabbed the cassette tape I made off of the "Plush Video" songs, and popped in that live version of "Black Friday," and reminisced some more. It wasn't enough, but it had to do for now.
Two whole years is too dern long...

Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 19:40:17
Posted by: Q, Tampa

I am sorry to intrude on this GB as I have not been a worthy contributor for a long while.
However, I am trying to solve a mystery and repay a debt of grattitude.
Someone called my home and work to alert me to a Dan acetate on ebay.
Unfortunately, my wife didn't catch the name, nor did my assistant at work. If it was someone who reads these pages pls email me, or call me at work again on the toll free so I can thank you properly!!!

Best to all on the Gbs,


Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 18:15:20
Posted by: hoops,

Matt: AMEN, BROTHER! Amen! Has really been two years since SD tour 2k? I'm not sure if it's the "next big get together" but I have a feeling Labor Day weekend in Chicago will be a big get together. Stay tuned…

Jason: I'll take a try…more often than not, these Steely women are troubled (not to mention the guys). "Aja" --now she seems like an exception. But check out the women of 2vN...they's gots E-ssues!

Regarding Foreigner and Toto, someone once said they both play mediocre songs impeccably. That's close to how I feel. Slick, slick production.

LP, everyone: It's always up to one's judgement as to which forums something should be posted to. For me, it comes down to "which forums will people be interested and will respond." That determined, I'd post the whole thing in each forum. For example if you want people in the Blue, SIS and Alt groups to respond, I'd post the whole thing in each forum rather than references to a different forum that may or may not be accessible or desirable to those who might be interested. So that tends to my personal preference of default; yet, sometimes it makes more sense to refer to other forums. It's a personal judgement thing, what more can I say?

Everyone: In terms of topics, the range of topics "permitted" is very loose. But basically, things should be related to the spirit of Steely Dan on some level—musically or topically or literally or satirically or humorously or personality-wise or just on some vague way. A couple of times before, this was addressed here and I brought up that "Mean Santa" post which had nothing literally to do with Steely Dan, but in terms of humor it was very Steely Dan.

There some wiggle room too, especially for those who regularly post on Steely Dan stuff. But please, generally steer away from discussion of what you ate last night (unless it's a touch Steely-related) or your daughter's girl scout cookie sale (unless she sold to a Steely Dan player or the cookies remind us of a Steely Dan song), etc. Criticism is a great thing and is needed for genuine discussion, but do have a point to win people over. Just saying something or someone is shit with no explanation wins no one over and is just a cheap insult. It goes nowhere and is just a soul ram in the wind.

Also, you don't have to leave your email address, but it makes it easier to communicate if there is a technical glitch or some problem with your post. Otherwise, you can't be contacted with certainty.

Anyhow, it's hard to believe that this "experiment" is a year old this week.

Thanks to everyone.


Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 16:13:58
Posted by: luckless pedestrian, @work

not sure if this cross-boarding is allowed, hoops, however - i posted on the yellow SIS a review of the norah jones concert i went to last night at the somerville theater, message number 2602 and then scroll upwards from there for more discussion - the boston globe did not share my enthusiasm, but i still recommend going to see her if possible

i have a suit on today, appropriate to post with, no?

happy wednesday, people!


Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 15:27:22
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

W1P that's brutal. Fuckin' funny. But brutal.

Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 13:51:45
Posted by: ed beatty, West of Somewhere

I'm with ya on the stream of consciousness regarding the people and the time frame and the need to connect once again.

Ed (in need of fix that only Donald and Walter can provide) Beatty

Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 11:37:21
Posted by: W1P,

Saw .38 Special last night -- it was an accident.

Hey Steeevveeee, we know the real reason why you returned that Foriegner Lp -- you couldn't play the keyboard parts!

Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 00:48:57
Posted by: j a s o n, my fortress atop K2 (Everset was taken)

everybody et all---------------

hello. i've got plenty i could say on, say, how disturbing negative girl is, how funny janie runaway is, how i went through three periods in my interpretation of what a shame about me, what went wrong with the church of the subgenius, and why/how everything we know is wrong.

that's no way to begin something like this. so i'm throwing some subject matter out "there", wherever that is, and seeing what sticks, and what gets saluted, and what ever.

i get verbose and pretentious when i get drunk. sorry about that. ny fine grammar and punctuation remain unimpaired, however. I rule.


Date: Wed, June 19, 2002, 00:20:56
Posted by: jason harber, strip-mall heaven

well... i ought to say that what i'm looking for most is audio-tape correspondence, as i've got an inconvenient eye disorder that makes any sort of focusing (on print or a keyboard, or a monitor) insane for me to attempt, or even to think about.

Tape correspondence ia a very cool, largely overlooked medium. Personalities can be exchanged and not just words, and if you want you can indulge in a little show biz by inserting music or other audio snippets of one kind or another. For instance, i might choose to expose you to the fine musical explorations of the Shaggs.

I can start things by sending a short intro tape, if desired, or you can. Then we can both determine if we're comfortable with the whole thing. It could not matter less what your voice sounds like. Someone in my position is glad just to get interesting human speech in a useable audio form.

i hope to hear from you.


Date: Tues, June 18, 2002, 22:56:55
Posted by: Matthew Kerns, Chattanooga

Every once in a while in life, you get that urge. Almost two and a half years ago I was having the strong urge to hear THE NEW STEELY DAN ALBUM. A short time after that I was having an urge (some call it a crazy scheme in which I and cohort ran around the country like maniacs) to follow Steely Dan on tour. And now I'm having the urge again...
The urge to see you all. I was thinking of how much fun it was on tour, not only getting to see the best band in the world, but to meet the coolest people in the world, who so happened to be fans of that self-same band. Hoops and Moonflower, Pete and the Loverly S., Geoff and Amanda, Miz D., Randy, Keith (my NYC compadre), Diane, Oleander, Q and Mrs Q, all the campers at The Gorge, the Trifecta Crew, Ed, the big R., and the whole New York HOF Week bunch...all of you. I feel like I've been seperated from my family...and all I have is posts here and there that I frequently read and never respond to.
So the next big get together...I'm there. Rain or shine, hell or high water. I'm ready to jump into the midst of dandom, as fun and scary as it is.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 14:23:43
Posted by: jk, jk

kenny vance:

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 14:13:35
Posted by: jk, jk

ok so i lied about molly hatchett being good but you gotta feel for them - molly is the only original member left in the band!!! they asked hoops to leave the band because he liked the cross-dressing a little toooooo much. or was that the thousand island dressing??!

great fun project for you all: read the ingredients for both ken's thousand island dressing and russian dressing. anticommies get - ?

discuss amoungst yourselves.

not too bad catagory: blueberry wine!


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 14:02:20
Posted by: jk, jk

fall of 92 is one of the best songs ever written and performed and recorded or have i posted that here already a mikllion times. also good: godiva belgian dark chocolate ice cream, water drumming, emails about showers after shopping, the summer molly hatchett tour, giant squids, phobos, the find jerome aniton contest at

don't forget to write to kenny vance everyday to ask him to release those historical and important demos for yesteryear.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:56:19
Posted by: hoops,

Last Five CDs:

* Leonard Cohen: "Ten New Songs" (Been out for 8 months and I keep waking up in the middle of the night with it going through my head. Incredible CD that isn't getting the attention it deserves. GET IT!)

* Justin Morell: ">the music of steely_dan"

* Steely Dan: "Can't Buy a Thrill"

* Collection of Van Morrison UK bonus Tracks from 1995-1997

* Van Morrison, "Down the Road"

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:53:04
Posted by: jk, jk



Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:48:18
Posted by: hoops,

jk: No, I haven't looked at it in Opera in while but I should. I will check it out.

Yeah, with the Bush administration II, I've been wondering if we will see more songs along the lines of "Fall of '92" ("George Bush and all those Nazis down in Washington, D.C...").

Some Dan fans hold the opinion that Steely Dan is not a political band. I guess overtly they are not. But given their subversiveness and cyncism, I've always felt they imply a spirit of anti-politicism.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:39:34
Posted by: jk, jk

last 5 cds

bakka beyond - the meeting pool

hamdi ahmed - sahra khligiea

daniel lanois - acadie

richie havens - mixed bag II (lp)

the united states of america - the united states of america (edsel 541)

some cpr promo singles, the norah jones cd, the austrailian version of beauty of wynonna, and a cdr of the british mono mix of traffic's heaven is in your mind/mr.fantasy, a sterling silver/lapis lazuli necklace, one qt. caliphon pan with lefty and righty lipps, and ticket to see janeane garofalo.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:25:52
Posted by: hoops,

Funny Kurt Elling should be brought up. I believe it was yesterday's "Arts" section in the "Chicago Tribune" that had a discussion by Richard Christiansen about the place of the male vocalist in today's Jazz scene.

Now, I don't like a lot of the columnists in the Trib, especially Greg Kot, rock critic for the Trib as well as "Rolling Stone," who I think already has reviews prepared in advance, automatically bashing Steely Dan albums and concerts for the next 30-40 years.

However, Christiansen is the jazz, classical and theatre critic and I've found him to be pretty astute and in touch. I think he would do a great job interviewing or reviewing SD next tour and album around.

That said, this article discussed various male and female jazz vocalists who are either popular, talented or both. In the women's category, he had a lot of positive things to say about Casandra Wilson and Dee Dee Bridgewater, and then said "Diana Krall is to Jazz what McDonald's is to fine cuisine". But then he went on to say that Kurt Elling has really grown into being a great vocalist. So maybe WEBer and KD and others might want to check out the article. I have a paper edition but can't find the on-line version. Maybe this crtic like Elling because of his Chicago roots. I dunno.

My opinion has been sort of second hand and casual. Admittedly, without much experience I've lumped Elling in with Connick and haven't paid much attention to him. On the other hand, after reading several commentaries like yesterday's in the Trib, as well as HeyMike's interest in seeing him, I'm game for at least catching Elling at the Green Mill and gaining a first hand opinion.

Or he could be like Bela Fleck's whom I think is extraordinarily talented, yet not among my favorites.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 13:19:27
Posted by: jk, jk

hello. cats and kittens.

mr. mckay - this page doesn't look so good at can you fix that?

what ever happened to sd.coms contest? did i not win? not even a guitar pick?

whatever happened to the tc motohome cd?

who goes out and buys 6 pair of plain pastel panties?

who gets to spend her birthday in spain?

why are americans letting everything we hold dear slip away? like freedom. read on …

<<ohio State University

Throw some more grease on the slippery slope towards fascism:

here comes George W. Bush to make the commencement address at Ohio State University. Students planned a peaceful protest; the idea was to turn and face in the opposite direction as Bush made his speech. But since the chimp is to be protected from dissent at all times, students were instructed via loudspeaker that, "all the university's speakers deserve to be treated with respect and that anyone demonstrating or heckling would be subject to expulsion and arrest," according to CBS News. Yep, expulsion and arrest. Land of the free, my buttocks. >>

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 12:48:52
Posted by: WEBer, green flower St.

KD- I'm kind of surprised at your admiration for Kurt Elling. I mean, it really seems like you have good taste when it comes to music...but Kurt Elling?? I think he STINKS!

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 11:34:28
Posted by: Dennis - Katy Lied Band, Chicago

Hey, we just got asked to play at a bar called Potter's Place in Geneva, IL this saturday! We play from 6-10 pm, outside gig. Steely Dan tunes outside on a summer night! Should be a good time. There is some sort of festival going on in Geneva that day too. I'll try to get more details, directions etc. We are currently working on more gigs too.

Stevee, don't get me wrong it's not like we do it for free, we do ok, I was just trying to get the point across that we're not getting rich off of SD(cashing in like my friend said) and that it's a lot of work. Anyone see Robben Ford and Sonny Landreth at the HOB on Friday night? Great show. Would've been great to hear Robben Ford play on a Steely album.

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 10:32:28
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago


I think he got your e-mail, he's quite a busy man though. I'm sure he'll get back to you.


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 08:20:13
Posted by: KD, Chi

Also, hearing Jon Hendricks and Kurt sing the "there ain't nothing in Chicago for a monkey woman to do" line from "Goin' To Chicago"/"Your Gold Teeth" should have been the highlight of the show, but to me it was covering "Moody's Mood For Love." Amazing stuff.

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 08:17:45
Posted by: Kelly Dwyer, Chi

Great night at the Park West on Saturday night, it gets to be Steely-related in a bit...

Jon Hendricks, Kurt Elling, Kevin Mahoghany and some other dude named Murphy were billed as "Four Brothers," a nod to the Lambert/Hendricks/Ross song of the same name (a Woody Herman original) from some time back.

Four-man vocal jazz, non-stop vocalese, which I dig, piano, bass and drums. Hendricks, spry at 81, was on top of it. Treee-mendous range, touch, chops. In between songs, when Elling was doing one of his bits, he came to my bar and asked for a cup of coffee, I said I'd give it to him if he'd sign the CD I brought of his (the last CD I bought ... last November!).

He signed it, was super-cool, then went back for the closers. Vocalese versions of "All Blues," "Freddie Freeloader," and "Four Brothers." Goosebump stuff. Hendricks' scat version of Cannonball's solo on "Freeloader" was amazing. Easily the best show I've seen since Steely in 2000.

After the show, Elling announced (to my surprise) to the sold-out (our first sell out in months) crowd that the post-show party would be at Four Farthings. Four Farthing's is restaurant/bar that my Dad was head chef and partner at when it opened in 1981, staying there for about five years. It was a yuppie mecca back when Izod shirts meant something, and dammit, they'll mean something again someday if I have anything to do about it.

Either way, I headed down with a waiter named Chad, who not only is a great dude and a great hang, but he makes Ben Affleck look like Abe Vigoda; so I'm always down for picking up what he throws aside (that came later, as in sunrise-later). Breathless messages were sent to buddies Lo and John who were supposed to meet me at another bar, but we never hooked up.

No Hendricks, but we spent a while with Elling and his band. Only got to talk with Kurt for about 20 minutes, but it was solid. Signed my Hendricks CD, and got in some good jazz talk. He was sloshed, I was only halfway there, but what he was laying down was great. He played the first post-September 11th show at the PW (a theatre, btw, in Chicago), and it was a rough but ultimately necessary night. He was going on about how much that show meant to him, and without being pithy, I managed to relay the fact that upon getting to work that night, hearing his band soundcheck the Star-Spangled Banner as I walked into the theatre was when things started to turn around; for me, at least.

It's jukebox bar, so it was mostly classic rock coming out of the juke. I would have put in a dollar for something Steely, but it was the "Gold" greatest hits, which is (without fail) the quietest disc in any jukebox. Whatever the way MCA mastered it, 15 years later, it's pissing me off. But someone did manage to pump some Frank into the proceedings, and I gotta admit, I was pretty stoked to drunkenly shout "Luck Be a Lady" with a trashed jazzman. Nice.

I did try to infuse something Steely into the conversation. Peter Erskine played drums on Kurt's last album, so I mentioned how much I dug his playing, "because I'm a Steely Dan freak." I was hoping a line like that would be the perfect set-up for Kurt to wax poetic on all things Steely, but instead he told me that Peter was "as good a person as he is a drummer."

Dammit. I don't want to hear how nice Peter Erskine is! I needed something to relay about how Skunk's solo on "Change of the Guard" influenced Kurt enough to take in the Jazz Life, hanging out with a 22-year old kid with pomade in his hair at Four Farthing's. Anything. Bob Sheppard played on the album too, but after a while I started to think about other things.

Awesome show, great time, city of Chi.

Steveedan -- You could trade a Foreigner for a week-old grilled cheese sandwich (on white bread, no less) and still come out on top.

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 04:27:47
Posted by: Steveedan,

Dennis - congratulations on the success (obviously not financially) of Katy Lied's most recent gig. I agree too that we practice and perform Steely Dan music for the challenge, joy, and fun of it, and certainly not for the money. It is among the most challenging music I have ever played ... right up there with Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays and George Gershwin (transcriptions of George's actual piano work, not some watered down "allow America to play it" arrangement).

Opening for Foreigner huh? Here's my Foreigner annecdote. When I was in high school, and the first Foreigner album came out, I bought it, and hated it. The Dan's Aja album came out shortly after I bought Foreigner. I returned Foreigner for Aja. To this day, this is definitely the best trade I have ever made.

Finally, I followed your advice Dennis and I left an e-mail on your band's website for your keyboard player to e-mail me. Did he ever get it? Please remind him to e-mail me. Thanks.

As for Shep and Vickie, they don't know any more about the details concerning the new Dan CD as anyone else out there.

... And the mystery continues ...


Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 00:13:34
Posted by: oleander, on Times

Big Fan--my sense exactly.... They seem to be following me around. Most recently: birthday dinner, local restaurant--"Third World Man," of all things, and "Rikki" at a gas station.

Sean--just what I thought when I read the Mark Turner article. Anybody listening to his cd's? Recommendations?

Date: Mon, June 17, 2002, 00:00:03
Posted by: John, Erie, PA

Barry Manilow & Sting in the Songwriter's Hall of Fame before Becker/Fagen? What a messed up organization. Still, if they got in, we'd get some Becker/Fagen sitings in the media.

I say Eminem doesn't mess with Steely Dan because he knows that Steely Dan is better and sharper than at skewering American society. He at least knows SD has got the goods, and could deftly knock him under the table with a single wry one-liner.


Date: Sun, June 16, 2002, 22:38:24
Posted by: Peg, within earshot

Next time that new RadioShack commercial comes on, listen for Dave Brubeck's "Blue Rondo a la Turk" in the background. Can't blame him a bit for getting more mileage out of that fine number.
D&W are so overdue for all the credit they get, it's not surprising they're not in the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Hey, let's all write.
I was really surprised that in that piece in Rolling Stone about Eminem, they didn't mention his Grammy loss, didn't even put it in that little timeline that they included. It would have fit right in. And he does mention the Grammys in the article, but when he does, he's quoted saying that nasty word over and over in relation to Moby (who inducted D&W into the R&R Hall of Fame). Makes me glad Steely Dan didn't come up in the conversion.
Well, here's hoping for a cleaner America.

Date: Sun, June 16, 2002, 22:16:17
Posted by: Big Fan, Out East

I was just watching Steven King's The Dead Zone - the new series on USA Network. Right in the begining there's a scene at a carnival at a wheel of fortune game - and the background music - Do It Again. Boy I get more Steely Dan moments in stores recently - an omen????????

Date: Sun, June 16, 2002, 20:00:48
Posted by: hoops,

I think it's the May 2002 issue of "Performing Songwriter" that has an interview with James Taylor.

Relative to Sean's discussion, he said that he could not get by on just record royalties, that his record deal is not that great. He's all for artists getting a larger percentage of the money record companies get. Currently he gets about 10% for every CD sold. But he also is not opposed to downloads for free and boots since actually have the net effect of increasing his income and getting his music out there. He also talks about his daughter Sally's label and website which fosters fledgling artists without having to involve big record companies.

Happy Dad's day to all the Dads (including Walter and Donald) and you Dad-like types.


Date: Sun, June 16, 2002, 16:47:57
Posted by: Sean, Quincy, MA

Hey gang!

I was reading several news articles that made me think of Steely Dan.

One is about The Songwriter’s Hall of Fame. Their induction ceremonies were held this past week. The inductees included Michael Jackson, Barry Manilow, Randy Newman, Sting, and Ashford and Simpson. Carole King, Stevie Wonder and Garth Brooks received special awards. George M. Cohan’s “You’re A Grand Old Flag” received the “Towering Song Award,” whatever that means.

Michael Jackson refused to come because he’s mad Sony didn’t use more payola to promote his recent $30 million album. Instead, Liza Minnelli and David Gest accepted for him.

Ashford of Ashford and Simpson noted, “from being homeless to this, I’ve come a long way.”

Barry Manilow talked about how he writes songs. He said “One Voice” came to him in a dream, although his detractors would argue it was a nightmare.

Sing performed “Roxanne” with just a trombonist and bassist, changing the genre of the song with each verse.

Randy Newman was “the evening’s most irreverent inductee,” scoffing at the view of song writing as magic and then thanking Eminem “’cause finally there’s a kindred spirit.”

Stevie Wonder got the Sammy Chan Lifetime achievement award. Garth Books was named “The Hitmaker” in an award to the person who made others’ songs hits. Last year it went to Dionne Warwick.

Carole King was there but duetted on “You’ve Got Friend” with a videotaped James Taylor.

But this brings me to a point: when the hell are Becker and Fagen getting in? If Sting and Barry Manilow can be in, why not our beloved Steely Dan?

So let’s get cracking and write ‘em and let ‘em know.

Check out:

Songwriters Hall Of Fame
330 West 58th Street
New York NY 10019

I also was reading the latest Summer Double Issue of Rolling Stone with Eminem on the cover. They have an article listing the top 50 income producing music acts in 2001. U2 is the top at approximately $60 million. But here’s what I found amazing: almost all of these acts got about 3/4 of the money from touring. Only like an 1/8 from recording sales and an 1/8 from songwriting royalties. While there were some exceptions, like the Beatles, this was generally the rule. That said, it made me appreciate Steely Dan’s integrity. Sure, in 2001, they could have gone touring, buoyed by the success of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Grammys. But no, they wanted to work on new album next. That’s what they wanted to do, even though they could have made a ton of money.

I also read this interview with David Bowie where he made a very compelling argument that most recordings would end up in the public domain in ten years and recording companies would be out of business, at least as we know them. While I’m not sure I agree, I wonder what getting the latest Steely Dan recordings will be like in ten years.

Finally, today’s New York Times had an article on “The best jazz player your’ve never heard,” Mark Turner. The writer, Ben Ratcliff, argues that this little known player is becoming influential on up and coming saxophonists, second only to Coltrane in terms of influence. At the same time, this guy was dropped by Warner Brothers, even though most jazzers on the NYC scene can’t say enough good about the guy. Well, if this is true, maybe he will show up on the next Steely Dan album.


Date: Fri, June 14, 2002, 13:00:09
Posted by: hoops,

Wow: Yeah, yeah, Steely Dan dog collars and The Scooby Doobie Brothers. Got think that Hanna-Barbera were yukking it up when they named a dog after a doobie LOL.

Foreigner shore isn't in my A-list of bands I'd like to hear in concert. But also remember when I first them in the 1970s since their production was so crisp and sharp. "Cold As Ice" sounded so great on my head phones. Toto also was like that for me. However, I was never especially nuts about either bands' lyrics. But fun stuff. I could definitely see a certain group of listeners grooving on Foreigner preceded by Katy Lied.

Last night, it was Michael Brecker and Herbie Hancock at Ravina (near Chicago) and tonight it's Sonny Rollins. Sunday, Brubeck. $10 for lawn seats--not bad if it don't rain.


Date: Fri, June 14, 2002, 11:28:54
Posted by: Cosmic WoW,

All over today's movie guide they have this dog with a Steely Dan monogrammed "SD" collar! Were these sold as human dog collars on the last tour? Where do I get my "SD" Dog Collar?

Steely Dan cover band opening for Foreigner? Ye gads!

Cool story Stevee! I take it they wouldn't volunteer info on the next album......

Regarding paying for preferred status for bands, I've seen where they even do that on band or artist websites. Usually, it's not for the money so much as to weed out those who are more casual fans so they don't spring for special tickets (what I've read).

I would bet that such an arrangement would be too much bureaucracy for Steely Dan---who are anything but normal.

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Date: Thurs, June 13, 2002, 19:21:59
Posted by: gyspyqueeninafairytale,



Date: Thurs, June 13, 2002, 19:08:31
Posted by: hoops,

Leo: Several posts were lost from yesterday. That's all repost if you like. Ditto for others.

Gypsy: I think we agree except on terminolgy. By "normal" I mean unpretensious without excessively inflated egos. That's all.

hoopsie loves you.

Date: Thurs, June 13, 2002, 18:59:25
Posted by: gypsyqueeninafairytale,

Hoops-what do you mean by normal?
I mean aren't artistic,creative types supposed to be quirky,nonconformist,rebellious,free -spirited,weird,independent thinking,march to the beat of their own drummer people?
That's the way I prefer them...

Donald & Walter aren't normal ,and that's a compliment!!!


Date: Thurs, June 13, 2002, 18:36:06
Posted by: Leo, ANY WORLD

Hoops---Why do you keep taking my posts down? All I said was I refuse to go to the yellow. That's all. What's your problem dude?

Date: Thurs, June 13, 2002, 16:08:14
Posted by: Dennis Shepherd, Chicago

Hi everyone,

Earl, Chris Eisold, Keith, and everyone else thanks for coming out to the Katy Lied show on Saturday! It was great to see you there and I hope you enjoyed yourselves. We had a great time.

I thought I would share this with everyone. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine (yes, I have friends :-). He asked what I thought of the whole tribute band craze that seems to be popping up everywhere. He also asked me if I felt like I was cashing in on the name/fame of Steely Dan. Funny! Very funny.

Learning and playing SD's music is absolutely the hardest thing I have ever done as a musician. I and the rest of the band members have put in countless hours learning this material because we take great pride in and are big fans of SD's music. We don't get paid for those countless rehearsal hours and the money from gigs isn't piling up in a shoe box under my bed! We have a 10 piece band and the clubs we have played so far have been small, you do the math.

It takes all of my mind, body and soul to do this and I STILL fall short on some of the songs, but the challenge and respect for the music keeps me going. That's why I do it. If I was doing it for the money I would have quit long ago! I think we do it for the same reason all Dan fans can listen to their songs over and over again and never get tired of them.

Thanks for supporting us!

Dennis Shepherd
Guitar-Katy Lied

P.S. Don't forget June 29th at Harry's of Arlington Heights and July 3rd at Naperville's Ribfest (showtime 6:00 p.m. opening for Foreigner with Lou Gramm)

Date: Wed, June 12, 2002, 20:39:11
Posted by: hoops,

Stevee. Great Story! I'm glad that you got the opportunity. I think I would have Bob sign the Glengary Glen Ross CD. He, Peter Erskine and Al Jarreau are AMAZING on it! I think the thing about Steely Dan associates are that they are normal people who excel in their work. They aren't celebs and are approachable and, based on my few humble encounters, are equally awed to meet fans.

Sorry I missed BOTH CTE V AND Katy Lied Saturday night, not to mention the Steely Fan Band. I've been out of town. The reviews have been smashing.

The concept of a Chicago Jazzfest/Danfest is gaining Steam. Should know by the end of the month. As such, even if you are out of the Chicago area, you should leave Labor Day weekend open to drive, bike, sail or fly in to Chicago.

Facinating stats on the album sales, Hoover. Any idea about Steely Dan?

Leo didn't say what kind of wedding it was. Who knows if playing it is a bad thing.

The Ramones??? I know some musicians whose work I enjoy were influenced by them, but don't think I am running out to get a Ramones CD any time soon.

more laters


Date: Wed, June 12, 2002, 5:43:41
Posted by: Steveedan,

I met Bob Sheppard and Victoria Cave last night at Rocco's. It was amazing. For the blow by blow account, go to St. Al's page and read post # 2379.

Date: Mon, June 10, 2002, 21:54:41
Posted by: Peg, Holding the mayo

Well here's an idea that was put on the front page of the Cincinnati Enquirer's art section yesterday, titled "Perks Pay Off For Bands' Fans." Maybe you-all have heard of this.
Seems that if you shell out an annual fee, certain groups and artists will give you such goodies as preferred seating at their concerts, subscriptions to their magazines or newsletters, special CDs, passes to soundchecks, admission to afterconcert parties, etc. Those offering such items include Aerosmith ($35), Madonna ($38), Dave Matthews Band ($30), Melissa Etheridge ($24.95), Whitney Houston ($24.95)...
I would gladly divvy up some bucks for this when it comes to GOOD music, like Steely Dan. D&W should get in on this scheme, and pronto.

Date: Mon, June 10, 2002, 19:29:10
Posted by: gypsyqueeninafairytale,

You know,I think W&D should do like The Stones and tour every summer,whether they have a album out or not.

Date: Mon, June 10, 2002, 11:16:21
Posted by: heymike, chicago suburbs

Ramsey Lewis, Dave Brubeck and Nancy Wilson sunday--Fathers day, Im thinking of draging my kids there! anyone game?? Look at the entire Jazz in June line up--pretty impressive.


Date: Mon, June 10, 2002, 08:31:05
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

To Dennis, Bob, and the other members of Katy Lied:

Great show Saturday Night! Sorry I couldn't hang around very long. My group had to catch a plane at 8:55 AM on Sunday...w/ all the security concerns we had to be there by 7. Thanks for the shout-out at the show. Wish I could have stayed longer so that I could have met more of the folks from the Chicago area. Not sure if I'll ever get back to Chicago to see your band, but I was very impressed and had a great time.


Date: Sun, June 09, 2002, 16:39:32
Posted by: Mr. Sticks,

The Top 10 Reasons to Go Out and see Steely Fan Band Friday night:

1)Steely Dan music..LIVE!

2)Studio Cafe is on the boardwalk on the beach in Newport!

3)It's free!

4)Steely Dan music..LIVE

5)It's the unoffical start of summer!

6)Funloving girls and guys hanging out at the beach

7)You can ride your bike back home(Locals only)

8)The return of original lead singer..Mr.Pipes!(J)

9)Killer Blue drinks

10)Steely Dan music ..LIVE..AND FREE!

There you have it!
Join us THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 14,2002-8PM!
The Studio Cafe
100 Main Street
Newport Beach,Ca.92660

Date: Sun, June 09, 2002, 15:31:13
Posted by: Hoover II,

Oh yeah, Barbara Streisand, 66

Date: Sun, June 09, 2002, 15:30:06
Posted by: Hoover,

Was reading a year old magazine in a waiting room.

Had these stats about world-wide record sales from the RIAA.

Sales in Millions.

The Beatles, 158.5
Garth Brooks, 101
Elvis, 86.5
Billy Joel, 75.5
Pink Floyd, 68.5
Eagles, 66.5
AC DC, 63
Elton John, 63 (since he's bisexual, I guess he's AC DC too!)
Dave Mathews, 20

Date: Sun, June 09, 2002, 15:27:13
Posted by: norm,

Saw a cool show last week at The Jazz Bakery in Culver City: John Altman's Big Band. Besides his work on many soundtracks, he did the orchestrations for The Rutles. (The "big ending" on Cheese And Onions was his idea, which alone qualifies him for immortality.) Among the many great players was Pete Christlieb, who was given several solo spots throughout the evening. Hardly anyone there, though - too busy watching sports events or whatever.

Date: Sat, June 08, 2002, 18:04:46
Posted by: Sean, Quincy

Getting ready to watch the Belmont and thought of, There's a Horse In Town. :-)


Date: Sat, June 08, 2002, 03:49:25
Posted by: Leo, Commack, NY

I went to a wedding last weekend and Michael Leonhard was in the band. It must be weird to go from Babylon Sisters to the Hora!

Date: Sat, June 08, 2002, 01:12:33
Posted by: hoops,

Sean: Maybe you should be a broadway producer.

Be Be and Shit: Yes, it was an injected drug overdose.

Dennis and Bob: Sorry won't be able to make tonight. Was great last time but can't get upstate in time. Still everyone should catch this great show.

Tonight, Moonflower, Hb and I were remembering that two years ago that we had already been to SD shows at Portland, The Gorge, and Oakland area. What an amazing tour...still. Just think of those spot lights running through the audience during the trumpet solo on "Dirty Work" and the girls singing.

Two years already!

Night everyone.


Date: Sat, June 08, 2002, 01:06:11
Posted by: hoops,

Real quick note passing through about several upcoming Dan Fests:

* Today, Saturday, Reistertown, MD Countdown to Ecstasy V Danfest.

* Tonight, Saturday, Katy Lied at the Barn of Barrington, Illinois outside of Chicago.

* June 21: Seattle Dan Fans get together for the Seatle Nearly Dan show. Contact St Al for more details

* June 21: Royal Scam cover band in New Jersey

* June 29: Katy Lied at Harry's of Arlington Hts, Illinois.

The Dandom Digest will have more info on the dates later this month as will a upcoming update to



Date: Thurs, June 06, 2002, 19:40:47
Posted by: HeyMike, chicago suburbs

MadTown?? Could be very cool for a Badger Danfest. Boz Skaggs, Steve Miller, Garbage, Otis Readings on the bottom of Lake Mendota, Dodeans are from 45 minutes to the east---could be fun!

Date: Thurs, June 06, 2002, 18:09:49
Posted by: "The Shit maker", Bernard "pretty" Purdie

Hey Be Be... "Most likely an overdose"? They found a freaking syringe next to his body!

Date: Thurs, June 06, 2002, 16:42:41
Posted by: Be Be Re Bozo,

Dee Dee Ramone has died, most likely of a drug overdose.

Date: Thurs, June 06, 2002, 11:21:21
Posted by: Randy, Northern NJ/USA


Is anyone out there aware of any soundboard bootlegs from the 2000 'Two Against Nature' tour? Just wondering if there are any in existence as I haven't yet come across any. Thanks in advance for any info-

"Drink your big black cow and get out of here..." - Steely Dan, 'Black Cow'


Date: Thurs, June 06, 2002, 00:38:11
Posted by: Steveedan,

Thanks Dennis ... I'm on my way there right now.

Date: Wed, June 05, 2002, 12:20:56
Posted by: Dennis, Chicago

Steveedan, go to and click "e-mail the band". Bob Blom will get the e-mail.


Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 23:54:39
Posted by: Sean,

Oleander--LOL! I was thinking along the lines of "Two for tea and tea for two and you for me and me for you" with a softshoe! LOL LOL :-) :-)

Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 23:33:50
Posted by: oleander, I shot the charette

Sean--oh dear, no, just a very bad pun; charette=share it....

Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 16:07:39
Posted by: Sean,

Winter 02---would that mean Jan-Mar 02 or Dec 02 into Jan 03? YE GADS!

Oleander---"don't hog it, charette" OK OK OK. It's making me CRAZY! "don't hog it, charette" is a an allusion to some song or jingle of yesteryear? Damn.....write on the tip of my brain. The charette was funny. Good job!

Boston Rag---Happy Birthday, Brother!

Hi KD, Gina, Dennis


Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 15:57:19
Posted by: Little Wild One, the usual - work


I, too, will be absent from the upcoming C2E V in MD, after being fortunate enough to attend C2E III & IV. Regards to all you MPP'ers--y'all KNOW how to jam!

Hope the plans for Labor Day weekend materialize and maybe the East and West coasters (not to mention us here in the great Southwest) can converge in Chicago to hear Katy Lied....Now that would be the cool part of the summer.

P.S. Ominous recent addition to the SD website under News: Winter '02 Still in the Studio. Anyone surprised?

Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 14:05:01
Posted by: Dennis - Katy Lied, Chicago

Hoops, sorry you won't be going to the east coast but glad to see you will be attending our show at The Barn. Can't wait. See you all there!


Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 00:54:20
Posted by: hoops,

Boston Rag: Happy birthday and congrats on the prize!

K.D. Thanks!

Whatevah + Arnie: Thanks!

O. Thanks!

ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz h

Date: Tues, June 04, 2002, 00:48:38
Posted by: angel,

Mark Congratulations! It couldn't have happened to a nicer Dan Fan. :-)

Date: Mon, June 03, 2002, 21:59:03
Posted by: Boston Rag, Another satisfied customer...

Hey, here I am on my birthday just minding my business when I get
an e-mail from the official SD newsletter telling me I'm one of the winners of the lastest contest. Wooo Hooo!

It's probably one of the tour posters or the bio-wheel but, hey Donald and Walter, if you want to send me the 3M Multitrack tape recorder that was used to record "The Nightfly", I'll gladly pay for the postage. Maybe Jann Wenner didn't want but I'll take it!

Thanks SD Webdrone or D&W for putting a smile on my face!

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, June 03, 2002, 12:00:40
Posted by: Whatevah happens,

Arnie: It's not out on CD, but if you can find a vinyl version of the Jay & the Americans album "Capture the Moment", you will see credits given to Becker and Fagen for horn/string arrangements. They also were rumored to have worked on "Sands of Time" but are not credited on that one.

Date: Mon, June 03, 2002, 01:49:52
Posted by: Steveedan,

KD - it's nice to see you around these parts again. Yay LAKERS!

Oleander and Hoops - thank you for deeming my (not really a) charette entry worth a mention. It is a lot of fun hanging around here with you all.

Dennis and the Katy Lied band - keep up the good work. Before you guys showed up there was nothing in Chicago for a monkey woman to do for Crist sake!

Also Dennis, I would like to e-mail a mesage to your keyboardist. Have him find me here, and I will get back to him, if you would.

Have a great week everyone.


Date: Mon, June 03, 2002, 00:13:51
Posted by: oleander, don't hog it, charette

kd--Where you BEEN, man??? Keep in touch there! You owe us a DanFest! Any possibilities?...

The charette, while more drawn-out than a traditional one, was a blast. Thanx to all you imaginative and mischievous entrants, both voluntary and inadvertent. And yes, there WILL be prizes for the winners.... Email hoops! or me with your info and you will receive them--sometime before the Next Tour--maybe----

Sam--now now. Let's take this one step at a time. Focus on what we DO have evidence of, ie a Next One, and later for all the rest. 'k?

Date: Sun, June 02, 2002, 16:37:04
Posted by: Sam, Make mine a double

I just had this morbid thought. Our heros aren't getting any younger. What if next tour is their LAST? I mean it took so long to get them on tour in 92. What if this is another of those Farewell Tours? What does everyone else think? Please give me assurances! Give me TLC! I can't sleep!

Oleander and Hoops and contributors. Thanky much for the charette. Damn funny. Paul Shotan: Have you considered surgery? Reinhard: I went shopping for a Lazy Susan. Will a park merry go around disc do instead? Ducky: Given Steely Dan is the consumate Studio Band, your idea makes the most sense. Good one. Nice to see Peg turn the tables on Becker and Fagen. They all gave me a laugh.

Mowin' the lawn...C'mon Daddy, get in let's go!!!!!!!!!!!


Date: Sun, June 02, 2002, 13:36:17
Posted by: PS, Sun Blur Mountain

Sorry. Make that 2000. I think :-)

Date: Sun, June 02, 2002, 13:32:58
Posted by: Gina, Sun Mountain

Manassas came to my attention and the way Walter sings really had me for a while :-) What a shame they apparently felt nothing from the 2001 Tour could see the light as in released as an appetizer for their next New One.
Reliable sources informed the LIVE performance of Ms. Krall is jazzed up and not as smooth as her CD's. Some fans were even disappointed or shocked she and her band had more energy going on. They probably came with a romantic date or a beloved one and hoped the other party would pop THE question afterwards. Instead they went home pumped up with the juices of there's-more-to-life-than-love&romance???

KD, you didn't waste any of my 30 secs!
Lisa G. and i would love to pamper your posts in Yellow, btw :-)
It's relatively safe there, you know LOL

Checked out the Berklee Tribute again, a while back. It's still a treat to hear young musicians "do" the Steely Dan songs. The female lead vocals really show a different angle to the music. And the Japanese keyboardplayer is priceless :-)

Happy Dan&Music Days,

Date: Sat, June 01, 2002, 05:45:02
Posted by: Kelly Dwyer, Chi

I surprised my parents two months ago by coming home for a long weekend. My brother, who was still on crutches after getting his knee scoped (the 14-year old is a bigger jock than his older brother), heard the commotion from upstairs and yelled out (from in front of our parents' bedroom TV):

"Guys! Turn it to channel 30! Steely Dan is on!"

My keen memory still remembers that the at-home cable number 30 is BET, so I was a bit dubious. Either way, I turned it there with my Dad watching, and Remy's video was on. My brother just felt like getting attention, and I just wasted 30 seconds of your life.

Date: Sat, June 01, 2002, 01:45:02
Posted by: Arnie,

Big Fan: Nice bit on Shand. Steely Dan = integrity.

Kelly: What is the mini connection to Dan that you won't tell us? We want trivia!

Good link Fr. William. Jay and the Americans reminds me a lot of weddings and small bars. I read an interview where Fagen said the band should have been called "Jay and the Jews" since half the band was Jewish. It should be pointed out that Becker/Fagen played with them because they were struggling. Didn't Donald do his first horn arrangements for JATA? Is there a particular JATA CD I should buy to get the Becker/Fagen performances?

May 2002 BlueBook Entries

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